Paul and Pseudepigraphy (Pauline Studies, Book 8)

(Kiana) #1

hermeneutical issues in canonical pseudepigrapha 111

identified by the author-signature, which is evocative of a corpus. this

perspective has a direct result on how texts can be interpreted within the

context of a corpus. applied to head/body images in colossians and ephe-

sians, i have posed an alternative understanding of christ’s headship in

relation to the body/church. christ’s headship is a functional and organic

appointment along the same lines as the gifted appointments of apostle,

prophets, teachers, etc. described in ephesians 4 and 1 corinthians 12.

such gifts are given as a reflection of the unity-diversity dialectic present

in the church and as a means for the maturation and building up of the

church. in particular, christ’s role is axiomatic of body unity—the con-

stituent parts of the body are fused together from the head. indeed, such

a reading is less plausible if distinctions between authentic and disputed

letters are assumed from the outset.

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