
(Nandana) #1

Notes to Chapter 16 249

framing of this trinitarian relationship and the interaction of the Father and the Son is only a consequence
of his first premise.

  1. The dual use of divine titles is found in Psalm 82:1, “God stood in the congregation of the gods, He
    judges among the gods.” But with Psalm 82:1, the pronoun “he” refers to the Father, while “God” refers to the
    Son, who has gathered the “gods,” that is the faithful, to himself.

  2. Hae r. III.6.3.

  3. Philippe Bacq, De l’ancienne à la nouvelle alliance selon S. Irénée: Unite du Livre IV de l’Adversus haere-
    ses (Paris: Éditions Lethielleux, 1978), 38 n.2.

  4. Hae r. IV. praef.4. In book IV, Irenaeus reveals a further qualification to this method. He emphasizes the
    words of the Lord as a witness to the identity of the true God. But, Irenaeus claims in Hae r. IV.2.3, the words of
    Moses are the words of Christ and cites John 5:46-47. Commenting upon Hae r. IV.2.1-2, Antonio Orbe suggests
    that Irenaeus is dealing with a concept of inspiration. Bacq, however, is right to correct Orbe on this point by
    noting that Irenaeus’s concern is with “identify” in the saying of Moses and the prophets. Bacq, De l’ancienne, 52.

  5. Cf. Hae r. IV.38.4.

  6. Hae r. IV.1.2. Cf. Bacq, De l’ancienne, 47.

  7. Hae r. III.6.1.

  8. The Image of God in Irenaeus, Marcellus, and Eustathius

  9. Against Heresies III.19.3. Translations of Irenaeus are my own.

  10. Cf. Friedrich Loofs, Paulus von Samosata, TU 44.5 (Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1924), 309.

  11. Cf. Kelley McCarthy Spoerl, “Two Early Nicenes: Eustathius of Antioch and Marcellus of Ancyra,” in
    Peter W. Martens, ed., In the Shadow of the Incarnation: Essays on Jesus Christ in the Early Church in Honor of
    Brian E. Daley, S.J. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008), 121–48.

  12. Cf. R. P. C. Hanson, The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 202–6.

  13. Marcellus fragment K40; Eustathius fragment D107. For Marcellus, the numbering referred to through-
    out is that of E. Klostermann, ed., Eusebius Werke, iv, Gegen Marcell, Über die kirchliche Theologie, Die Frag-
    mente Marcells, 2nd ed., G. C. Hansen, GCS (Berlin: Akademie, 1972). I have generally followed Sara Parvis’s
    forthcoming translation. References to the fragments of Eustathius follow José H. De Clerck, ed., Eustathii
    Antiocheni, patris Nicaeni, opera quae supersunt omnia, CCSG 51 (Turnhout: Brepols; Leuven: Leuven Univer-
    sity Press, 2002). Translations of Eustathius are my own, under the supervision of Paul Parvis.

  14. Cf. Sara Parvis, Marcellus of Ancyra and the Lost Years of the Arian Controversy (Oxford: Oxford Uni-
    versity Press, 2006), 54; Rowan Williams, Arius, Heresy and Tradition, rev. ed. (London: SCM, 2001), 81–98;
    Rebecca Lyman, Christology and Cosmology: Models of Divine Activity in Origen, Eusebius, and Athanasius
    (Oxford: Clarendon, 1993), 15–17.

  15. Cf. Marcellus fragment K61; Eustathius fragment D88.

  16. Cf. Joseph T. Lienhard, Contra Marcellum: Marcellus of Ancyra and Fourth-Century Theology (Washing-
    ton, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1999), 47; Parvis, 118–23.

  17. De Clerck contains a comprehensive discussion of Eustathius’s sources, XXVIII–CCCCLXII.

  18. Cf. Denis Minns, Irenaeus (London: Chapman, 1994), 59–62, and Eric Osborn, Irenaeus of Lyons
    (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 211–16.

  19. Hae r. III.16.6.

  20. Y. de Andia, Homo Vivens (Paris: Études Augustiniennes, 1986), 69.

  21. Cf. Haer. V.16.2.

  22. Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching 22. I have used J. Armitage Robinson’s translation from the
    Armenian (London: SPCK, 1920). What Robinson renders as “man” I have retroverted to ἄνθρωπος.

  23. Demonstration 22.

  24. Minns, 60.

  25. Haer. V.6.1.

  26. Cf. Hae r. V.6.1.

  27. Hae r. IV.24.1.

  28. Hae r. V.16.2.

  29. Peter Foster, “God and the World in Saint Irenaeus” (unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Edin-
    burgh, 1985), 310–20.

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