Tissue Engineering And Nanotheranostics

(Steven Felgate) #1

“9.61x6.69” b2815 Tissue Engineering and Nanotheranostics

Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Cancer Theranostics 253

Raman imaging, etc. Therefore, there are many different combinations

of nanoscale theranostic agents. For example, for better therapeutic

planning, many research teams have developed imaging­guided PTT/

PDT with the help of nanotheranostic agents.335–338 Recently, graphene

oxides modified with iron oxide nanoparticles (GO–IONP) as a nan­

otheranostic agent have been developed to diagnose and treat regional

lymph nodes (RLN) metastasis of pancreatic cancer.^339 The GO–IONP

showed powerful ability of dual­modality mapping of regional lym­

phatic system by MRI, as well as dark color of agent providing valuable

information that was instrumental for the surgeon in making the pre­

operative plan before operation and to intraoperatively distinguish

RLN from surrounding tissue. Under the guidance of dual­modality

mapping, the metastatic lymph nodes including abdominal nodes

could be effectively ablated by NIR irradiation with an incision opera­

tion. Similar nanotheranostic platforms constructed by manganese

oxide­coated CNTs as dual­modality lymph mapping agents was

applied for PTT of tumor metastasis.^340 Nanoscale ultrasound contrast

agents with drugs, genes or functional nanomaterials as payloads could

serve as efficient theranostics systems. For instance, DOX loaded per­

fluoropentane (PFP) nanoemulsion using a biodegradable block

copolymerpoly PEG–PLLA was constructed.^341 Upon intravenous

injection into mice, DOX–PFP nanoemulsions could selectively extrav­

asate into the tumor sites, producing a strong durable ultrasound con­

trast via PFP evaporation to form nanomicrobubbles. In the meantime,

DOX was released from those nanomicrobubble under ultrasound

irradiation to offer significant chemotherapeutic efficacy.

7. Conclusion

At present, the rapid development of nanotechnology provides pow­

erful means for the cancer theranostic. The pre­clinical animal experi­

ments have demonstrated that nanotheranostic systems can lead to an

enhancement of treatment options, leading to truly personalized

medicine. Despite all of the advantages of nanomaterial­based sys­

tems, there is always room for further improvements in this field. The

toxicity of the nanomaterial carriers is always a major concern when

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