Tissue Engineering And Nanotheranostics

(Steven Felgate) #1
b2815 Tissue Engineering and Nanotheranostics “9.61x6.69”

286 Index

regeneration, 56 , 65 , 67
tissue engineering, 50
cartilage bioprinting, 51 , 55, 64
cartilage differentiation, 55
cartilage regeneration, 51
cartilage repair, 50 , 56 , 59 , 61 , 64
bioinks, 65
cell sheet, 13
cellular engineering, 4
centriole, 20 7–210, 21 3– 21 7,
220 –221
chain mobility, 39
characterizations, 29
charge, 231
hydrogel, 65
differentiation, 53 , 59– 62 , 64
circular block, 167
combined magnetic particles
and paramagnetic, 132
combined therapy and
theranostics, 251
complex hybrid nanostructures,
complex hybrid structures, 136
computed tomography, 247
core-satellite, 174
core–shell hybrid nanocrytals, 111
core–shell hybrid structure, 108 ,
core/shell magnetic gold nanostars,
core–shell magnetic nanohybrids,
core–shell nanohybrids, 109
core–shell paramagnetic hybrid
nanostructure, 114

hydrogels, 52
absorption, 155
scattering, 155
cyclic, 35 – 36
cyclic strain, 17
cyclic stretching, 18


dark-field microscopy, 166
degradation, 41
degradation studies, 44
degradation tests, 45
dendrimers, 235
development of contrast agents, 129
diagnostic and therapeutic
functions, 104
differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC), 42
differentiation, 5 , 7
disease, 75
DNA nanotechnology, 174
stem-loop DNA, 177
drug burst release, 231
drug delivery through MNHs, 140
drug solubility, 230
dual MR-imaging, 129
dynamic compressive
loading, 64
dynamic compressive loading, 63
dynamic creep, 38


earlier theranostics, 103
electrical fields, 19
electrical signal transduction, 19
electrical stimulation, 18, 20

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