Tissue Engineering And Nanotheranostics

(Steven Felgate) #1

“9.61x6.69” b2815 Tissue Engineering and Nanotheranostics

Characterization of Biomaterial Patches as Fetal Surgery Implants 37

Another technique to interpret mechanical properties and anisot-

ropy was reported by Pott and Schwarz.^14 Six different meshes were

assessed in view of longitudinal and transverse directions through

uniaxial tensile tests carried out on a ZwickTM 020 universal testing

machine, to compute maximum loads using force-displacement

data.^14 The meshes studied were Dynamesh-Ipom® (PVDF), Parietene®

(PP), Prolene® (PP), Surgipro Pro® (PP), Ultrapro Mesh® (absorbable

polyglecaprone-25 and non-absorbable PP filaments), and Vicryl®

(resorbable polyglactin filaments). A student’s t-test with a confidence

level of 95% was used for intramaterial comparisons (longitudinal vs.

transverse), whereas ANOVA variance analysis with significant

differences for p < 0.001 was employed for intermaterial comparison

of different mesh types (SPSS 18.0).^14

For tensile testing, a dogbone-shaped die (ISO 527-1) was used

to cut samples in longitudinal (warp) and orthogonal (weft) direc-

tions. Prior to testing, the specimens were immersed in isotonic saline

for 30 min.^14 Test conditions included a strain rate of 50 mm/min

and were ended when recorded load fell below 90% of the maximum

load. The test results of maximum load were compared to human data

pertaining to maximum forces in the abdominal wall (Fig. 6).14–17

Fig. 5. (a) Failure of Prolene® samples cut in coursewise (90°) direction; (b) stress vs.
strain curves for failure tests on Prolene® mesh.^13

20 Stress vs. Strain curve of Prolene mesh in the 0º, 45º and 90º directions

(^00) 0.2 0. 40 .6 0.8
Stress (MPa)
11 .2 1. 41 .6


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