Tissue Engineering And Nanotheranostics

(Steven Felgate) #1

“9.61x6.69” b2815 Tissue Engineering and Nanotheranostics

Characterization of Biomaterial Patches as Fetal Surgery Implants 45

degradation tests at different time points of exposure. Another major

aspect to be considered is the volumetric expansion of the fetus over

the weeks of gestation till birth. The visco-elastic properties of the

implants need to coincide with this volumetric expansion, without

exerting too much force to hinder fetal growth. A thorough analysis

of cell viability and proliferation on the implants needs to be per-

formed for the time period of implantation. This would govern the

performance of the implant, and dictate the degradation profile in

case of non-inert implants. Degradation tests over a range of times

can define the trigger points at which the mechanical integrity of the

implant starts to deteriorate. These experiments can determine the life

of the implant in vivo, until when the mechanical behavior is


Based on the above discussion, the future work would involve

relevant characterizations such as Fourier transform infrared spectros-

copy for surface functional groups, and contact angle studies for the

knowledge of hydrophobicity. Permeability studies on the implant

would also be necessary if the application cannot permit fluid transfer.

Gel permeation chromatography tests after implantation would be

helpful to gauge changes in molecular weight distribution due to

hydrolytic or enzymatic degradation.


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