Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1

414 Part V: Southeast Asia

of limited areas.” Haddon’s method involved spending significant time encounter-
ing people in their own societies rather than chatting up travelers from distant
shores when they got back to the comforts of London. “I will do my very utmost to
make everything a success for you—I will have all sorts of feasts and native festivi-
ties arranged to take place during the time you are here, you will see what others
have never seen, and I will undertake to see you will never regret the time spent in
Borneo” (Chiarelli and Guntarik 2013). It proved to be an irresistible offer.

Map 11.1 Borneo in 1901. Note that the island is divided into British and Dutch
territories (dashed line).

© Robert Cribb 2009
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