Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1



Abangan Islam, 392
Abassid Empire, 389
Abu Bakr, 220
Abu’l Fazl, Akbarnama,
169–170(illus.), 171
Accession rites, for Japanese
emperor, 309, 311–313
Aden, 442
Adi Granth, 228
Aesthetics, Zen, 340–341
Affirmative action, in India,
Afghanis, Afghans, 85, 145
Afghanistan, 3, 78, 126, 143,
145, 222
Afterlife, 194, 420
Aganbigha, jajmani system in,
Age, and family hierarchy, 277
Aggression, anthropological
studies of, 422–423,
Agni, 174
Agnipariksha (fire ordeal),
Agra, 448
Agriculture, 7, 27–28, 49, 116
archaeological evidence of,
Balinese ritual and, 32–34
in India, 177–178
labor expenditures, 122–123

and language dispersal, 47,
in Neolithic China, 29–30
Thai ritual, 400–403
Agung, Mt., eruption of, 25
Ahura Mazda, 92
A’in-i-Akbari, 182
Ainu, 302
Ajanta, 167, 216
Ajlaf, 226
Akbar, 169–171, 223, 181, 447
Akbarnama (Abu’l Fazl),
169–170, 171, 223
Akha peoples, 105(illus.), 120
Akihito, Emperor, 6, 305, 309,
Alam, Shah, 449
Alam II, Shah, 171–172
Alaungpaya, 461
Albuquerque, Affonso d’,
Alexander the Great, in India,
143, 150, 164
Ali, 220, 221
Allah, Shah Wali, 225
Allahabad, 23
Alley, Kelly, 23
Alor, 413, 428
Altaic languages, 48, 71, 347
Amaterasu (Sun Goddess), 6,
299, 300
and Buddha, 317, 336

Izanagi-Izanami myth,
rites of succession in, 309,
311, 312
Amazon myth, 93–94
Ambedkar, 178
Amboina, 446, 447
Amida Buddha, 336
Amitabha (bodhisattva), 214,
355, 357
Amoy dialect, 55
Amritsar, 228
Amroha, 225
Analects of Confucius,
257–259, 305
Anatma doctrine, 403
Anatolia, 79
Anavatapta, Mt., 13
Ancestors, Berawan process-
ing of, 420–421
Ancestor worship/venera-
tion, 269, 285
in China, 59, 68, 242, 245,
252, 269, 278–280
He lineage, 282–283
Hmong, 126–127
Korean, 351–352, 360
Ancestral halls, in China,
278(illus.)–280, 282–283
Andersson, J. G., 34
Andong Mask Dance Festi-
val, 353(illus.)
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