BRIDGE by David Bird
by Simon Shuker
Submissions: [email protected]
or Wordsworth, NZ Listener, Private Bag
92512, Wellesley St, Auckland 1141.
Please include your address. Entries may
be edited for sense or space reasons.
The competition this week called for
limericks about well-known scandals. A
surprising number of entries addressed
the long-ago Profumo affair and the
underarm bowling incident was also
Lois Morgan of Nelson writes: A
minister I shall call Murray/Sent nine
hundred sheep in a hurry/Plus millions of
dollars/To some Saudi wallahs/In hopes of
trade deals without worry.
Jack Watt, Christchurch: At the pacing
it paid to be last/For the horse that you
could have got past/With hardly a sweat
on/Was the one that you bet on/Knowing
never a question was asked.
Malcolm Thomas, Hamilton: The Ponzi
scheme, it’s fair to say/Was raised to an art
form that day/When Madoff began/A most
dastardly plan/To rob his rich mates of their
Rex McGregor, Auckland: An
ambitious young woman called Mandy/
Met a viscount who proved to be randy/The
Profumo affair/Drove the chap to despair/
But for Mandy the fame came in handy.
But Te d M e ag e r of Christchurch
wins with a clever two-verse effort: If
we’re talking of past misdemeanours/
Perhaps you’ll remember Ribena’s/Two
girls did some fishin’/And the Commerce
Commission/Took GlaxoSmithKline to
the cleaners./The judge said to counsel,
“Between us/Misrepresentations demean
us/The lack of nutrition’s/A glaring
omission/And these claims of Ribena’s are
Next time, send us a greeting card
rhyme for an occasion on which you
would not normally give a card. For
example: It’s over for you and the end has
been reached/Commiserations on being
Entries, for the prize below, close at
noon on Thursday, October 18.
by Gabe Atkinson
Albert Fox v Emanuel Lasker, Cambridge
Springs 190 4.
Lasker held the world title for a record
27 years, yet he remains a controversial
and enigmatic personality. Bobby Fischer
disparaged him as “just a coffee-house
player”, while in contrast Mikhail Tal praised
him as “the greatest of all world champions”.
In today’s puzzle material is level, and White
was looking forward to half a point. Can you
find Lasker’s winning black move?
(Answer on page 62.)
Game all, dealer West
West North East South
2 S Pass 3S 4H
All Pass
West leads the spade king against your 4H.
Partner apologises for his dummy and you
ruff in the South hand. When you play the
ace and king of trumps you are rewarded
with a 2-2 break. How will you play for
maximum safety from this point? Only a 4-1
or 5-0 diamond break can put your contract
at risk. Rather than test this suit immediately,
you should play ace, king and another club.
The defender who wins is likely to play
another spade (a diamond return would help
you, allowing you to take a finesse). You ruff
the spade exit in your hand and lead the
jack of diamonds. East wins with an honour
and cannot play another diamond or you
will guarantee the contract with a finesse of
the 10. He will have to play a third round
of spades. You ruff and exit with the four
of diamonds. East wins with the seven and
is endplayed. He will either have to lead
into your A-10 of diamonds or give you a
ruff-and-discard. A heart lead, or a low club
lead, would have beaten the contract. With
no entries to dummy, you could not have
arranged the removal of all dummy’s spades.
East would then have had a safe spade exit
when you endplayed him with a second
round of diamonds.
WEST West North East South
♠ A J 7 6 — 1 H Pass 1 NT
♥ 7 4?
♦ A Q 5
♣ K 9 8 3
What will you say on the West cards?
(Answer on page 62 .)
A K 10 8 7 4
8 4
J 8 6 4
Q 6 5 2
Q 5
K Q 9 7
Q 9 5
J 9 3
6 3 2
6 5 3 2
10 3 2
A K J 10 9 7
A J 10 4
A K 7
A copy of the Listener’s
Quiz Questions book
to enjoy with a
block of Whittaker’s