The Best of the Week
Music Alive (RNZ Concert,
- 3 0 p m ). Audiences in
Auckland, Christchurch and
Dunedin will have already
thrilled to the sound
of superstar cellist
Johannes Moser,
who ends his
tour with
the NZSO
at tonight’s
Michael Fowler
Centre con-
cert. Live from
Wellington, Moser
plays Shostakovich’s Cello
Concerto No 1 in an all-Russian
programme that includes
selections from Prokofiev’s
score to Romeo and Juliet. Cana-
dian Peter Oundjian, on debut
with the NZSO, conducts.
Beyond Kate (RNZ National,
3.04pm). A topic that has
become more exigent in recent
years rather than less: Gender
and the Body is under discus-
sion by, among others, US
author Virgie Tovar; writer-
comedian Angella Dravid;
Paula Lloyd of the Wellington
Women’s Homeless Trust;
Otago Museum dress historian
Jane Malthus; and the great
public health and reproduc-
tive rights champion Dame
Margaret Sparrow.
Music Alive (RNZ Concert,
- 3 0 p m ). The Los Angeles
Philharmonic and its music
director, Gustavo Dudamel,
brought Mexico City to LA
with last year’s CDMX Festi-
val, including this concert that
features two world premieres:
Gabriela Ortiz’s Téenek – Inven-
ciones de Territorio and Arturo
Márquez’s Danzón No 9, an LA
Phil commission to comple-
ment Danzóns Nos 1, 2 and 8,
which precede the new
work. Also on the
programme are
Javier Álvarez’s
Metro Chaba-
cano, one of a
series of compo-
sitions named
after metro
stops, and Enrico
Chapela’s Ínguesu,
a roiling work depict-
ing a wild soccer match that
includes a blast on a referee’s
whistle by Dudamel. The LA
Phil and Dudamel also feature
in Wednesday’s Music Alive
(7.30pm), with a performance
of The Magic Flute recorded at
the Walt Disney Concert Hall.
Music Alive (RNZ Concert,
- 3 0 p m ). Oh-la-la, an all-
French programme from
the Auckland Philharmonia
that includes Ravel’s swoony
Le Tombeau de Couperin and
Dukas’ The Sorcerer’s Appren-
tice. The star is harpsichord
player Mahan Esfahani, who
performs Poulenc’s Concert
Send comments, queries or complaints about radio or tele vision
to: [email protected], or Talkback, NZ Listener, Private Bag
92512, Wellesley St, Auckland 1141.
What have we done and
what penance should we
perform to rid our screens of
MasterChef Australia (TVNZ
1, Saturday and Wednesday-
Friday), or are we condemned
to it for all eternity?
Please tell us what to do
and we’ll give it a go.
Norma McCallum
Talkback responds: Norma,
your prayers have been
answered. The grand final of
MasterChef Australia is on
Wednesday. Hallelujah!
Tova O’Brien’s September 16
report on Newshub Live about
the Prime Minister’s Sunday
speech, outlining the Govern-
ment’s priorities, failed to tell
us anything that the PM said,
but, instead, irrelevantly told
us a lot about what O’Brien
thought of it all.
The report included a brief
interview with the PM in
which O’Brien interrupted
her before she had time to
complete a sentence.
It’s the same on TVNZ 1.
In a recent interview with
Grant Robertson, Corin
Dann kept interrupting him
before he could complete an
answer. Such behaviour by
TV journalists can only alien-
ate viewers by showing them
they need to turn to other
media for basic information.
Lindsay Shelton
In a similar vein to M
Thompson’s point on
pronunciation (Talkback,
September 29), the latest
trend seems to be to speak as
rapidly and for as long as pos-
sible before taking a breath,
which then becomes a hor-
ribly loud hissing intake.
Maybe their microphones
are much more sensitive than
previously? Scotty Morrison
was particularly speedy and
hissy recently on 1 News.
This also happens on RNZ
National. Please slow down
and smell the roses.
Clare Dudley
On September 26, I listened
on RNZ Concert to Last
Night of the Proms at the
Royal Albert Hall. It was
heart-warming with a sense
of togetherness spiced by
good-humoured interac-
tion between audience and
I dare inject a sour note.
Land of Hope and Glory ...
Mother of the free? Wider still
and wider shall thy bounds be
set? Rule Britannia?
British journalist Richard
Gott wrote, “The British
empire was essentially a Hitle-
rian project on a grand scale,
involving military conquest
and dictatorship, extermina-
tion and genocide, martial
law and ‘special courts’, slav-
ery and forced labour ...”
Aotearoa/New Zealand
didn’t escape. Think of
Allen Cookson
RNZ Concert’s
Best candlelit Bach
Music Alive
Johannes Moser, Music Alive,
Your comments on TV and radio