CITY GUIDE 2018 133
School hours: 9am to
12.15pm, 2.15pm or 5pm
School ye ar date s: Four
terms a ye ar f rom Januar y
Age s taught: 6 months to
6.5 ye ars
Ye ar e stablished: 1999
A teacher’s perspective
Name: Wong Yiun Swan
Role: Vice Principal (We st Coast)
I joined White Lodge in 2012 and taught the Kindergarten
class for about 18 months. I then returned a year ago, taking
the role of Vice Principal at the West Coast centre. I feel that
the curriculum at White Lodge engages children and teaches
them general knowledge as well as cognitive and language skills.
They can learn, explore and spark their curiosity about their
I enjoy teaching art, mathematics and cookery. I enjoy seeing
children using the different skills they learn in their routine to
help with their learning. Cookery, in particular, is a combination
of all the skills: language skills to read the recipe and get the
right ingredients, mathematics to measure the amounts of each
ingredient, and the motor skills to cook. And maybe some science
for trial and error too!
White Lodge
7 locations islandwide
6255 4230 |
White Lodge is a preschool
and kindergarten offering a
curriculum that complements
the Primary Years Programme
and the UK, US and Australian
Framework, in an environment
in which children can explore
and express themselves through
active learning.
We have introduced Mandarin
listening stations for Pre-
Kindergarten and Kindergarten
classes, so children can listen to
books being read in Mandarin,
while following the words on the
page in front of them. This has
enabled them to focus on the
sounds of words read without
any interruption, offering the
chance to develop fluent reading
in another language.