“Will I need to pay the agent
a commission? How much?”
Commission is negotiable;
however, the rule of thumb is
that the amount is half a month’s
rent per year of lease. Note
that the agent cannot collect
commission or fees from more
than one party in a transaction.
So, if he collects a commission
from you, he cannot collect a
commission or co-broking fee or
payment from the other party or
their agent. There are prescribed
agreements for the sale, purchase
or lease of residential properties
in Singapore – these can be found
at http://www.cea.gov.sg.
“How many properties should
I look at?”
Limit your viewing to no more
than five or six properties at a
time. Tell your agent what you’re
looking for in terms of price,
location and minimum number
of bedrooms. Don’t get too stuck
on style, but do stipulate if you
need a balcony, small grass area
or larger outdoor space. Many
people end up doing a complete
u-turn on their initial criteria
- e.g., choosing more space
over something modern. Do
mention if you have animals at
the beginning of the search. Take
photos when viewing to review
afterwards and to show other
members of the family.
“I’ve found the place I
like. What are some of the
important steps to take before
signing on the dotted line?”
Make sure you request a second
viewing so you can make a note
of anything you might need to
ask for in the Letter of Intent
(LOI), such as the replacement
of damaged fixtures such as
taps, rusty hobs, mouldy fridges/
washing machines and so on.
Changes not requested in the
LOI will be almost impossible
to implement after the lease has
been signed. Do be reasonable
with your requests, as you don’t
want to risk your offer being
rejected because you appear to
be a “difficult tenant”.
You should also ensure you’re
covered by a Diplomatic Clause.
This clause allows expats to break
their leases after 14 months (12
months plus two months’ notice)
if, for whatever reason, they have
to leave Singapore. Leases may not
be broken on any other grounds.
At the time of handover, make
sure all your requests have been
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