The CEO Magazine Asia - 09.2018

(WallPaper) #1 | 109

“It’s not just about meeting regulatory
requirements. It’s about behaving in an
ethical, honest and community-minded
fashion, so we do things like these
community service events. They give
colleagues a sense of where they fit in the
community, and how we contribute and act
as good corporate citizens in Thailand.”
This attitude extends to the way Marsh
treats its suppliers; the company holds
prospective partners to the highest standards,
ensuring they are as dedicated to ethical
operation as Marsh is. However, this doesn’t
mean the company will cut off partner
relationships at the slightest provocation. Its
priority is maintaining productive business
partnerships, and Marsh is willing to put in
the work to facilitate this.
“For our relationships with our providers,
the insurance companies we work with, we
nurture all those relationships,” Simon says.
“We want to have a healthy, respectful
relationship with all our insurers. That’s
important to us, so we’ll never walk away
from a partner. There’d have to be a very
good reason, some sort of compliance issue








perhaps, but generally we want to build,
not destroy, relationships with our clients
or insurers.”
Similarly, Simon is prepared to work on
his own leadership style to better serve Marsh
Thailand. “As I’ve moved through the ranks
over time and become more senior, my style
and personality have had to adapt and change
a little bit,” he says. “Some people have
perceived that I can be a little bit impatient,
and I’m now aware of that. It’s a bit of a
blind spot that I can now see. I try to be
more patient with people, to be an active
listener and not talk over the top of others.”
The result is a company that is attractive
to employees and partners, both current and
prospective. “Outside the company, people
look to Marsh, and say, ‘Wow, that’s a place
that I’d like to work in and be part of that
success story’,” says Simon. “That actually
helps to snowball the effect. Clients want to
come to us. But I don’t want to be arrogant
about this, because you’re only as good as
your last game. You have to keep maintaining
the efforts and fine-tuning the strategy.”

Interview | INNOVATE
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