October 2019, ScientificAmerican.com 79
50, 100 & 150 YEARS AGO
Compiled by Daniel C. Schlenoff
THE Scientific AmericAn ARCHIVES AT
first of its kind in India and to be
so successful that the entire horse
service is now to be abolished.”
A Fair Hunt
“In the report of the Departmental
Committee which has been consid
ering the protection of wild birds in
Great Britain, it is pointed out that
a novel danger to bird life has been
introduced, in shooting and bomb
ing from aircraft. The Committee
recommends that the use of aircraft
against wild birds be prohibited.”
“Men of science who traversed
Styria, in Austria, have long report
ed that there were people in Styria
who consumed arsenic. However,
this statement was denied by others,
who affirmed that the white miner
al they ate was nothing but chalk.
Prompted by the importance of this
subject, the royal medical counsel,
Dr. Von Vest, issued a circular to the
physicians of Styria, requesting
them to communicate their experi
ences with regard thereto. Seven
teen reports were obtained. The
district of Hartberg counts not less
than forty individuals who indulge
“The Bell Telephone Laboratories
have disclosed a new way to build
electronic dataprocessing circuits
by manipulating the flow of tiny
magnetic ‘bubbles’—actually mag
netic domains in the form of micro
scopic cylinders embedded in thin
sheets of ferrite. The bubbles can
be moved around with less energy
than is needed to switch a transis
tor and, being only a few wave
lengths of light across, they can be
packed with a density of a million
or more to the square inch. The
bubbles can be created, erased and
shunted around to perform a vari
ety of functions: logic, memory,
switching and counting. Data rates
of three million bits per second
have been demonstrated.”
the system was made obsolete by faster
semiconductor chips with more memory
density and efficient flash memory.
Stalking Polio
“In the United States
we are becoming increasingly fa
miliar with epidemics of polio
my elitis. Prior to 1907, infantile
paraly sis was a rare disease in this
coun try. Since then it has prevailed
fit fully every summer and autumn.
Fundamental knowledge of polio
myelitis may be said to have grown
rapidly since Ivar Wickman’s epo ch
al clinical studies published in 1907.
We are today in possession of pre
cise information with regard to the
nature of the inciting microorgan
ism, and the manner in which it
leaves the infected body within
the secretions of the nasopharynx
chiefly and gains access to another
human being by means of the cor
responding mucous membranes,
and apparently in no other way.”
Less Horse Power
“The postmaster at Madras, India,
recently experimented with three
autos in the place of horsedrawn
vehicles for the conveyance of mail.
The experiment was said to be the
in that habit. From the various sorts
of arsenic, the white arsenic, or
ratsbane, is mostly taken, less so
the commercial yellow, and still less
the natural red arsenic. The arsenic
eaters begin with the dose of the
size of a millet, and increase this
quantity gradually. These doses are
either taken daily, or every other
day, or only once or twice a week. In
the district of Hartberg the custom
prevails to suspend this unwise us
age at the time of the new moon.”
the question of whether humans
can acquire tolerance to this toxic
substance seems to be still open.
In Case of Fire
“Improved shelving provides means
whereby valuable stocks of goods,
books in public libraries and cab
inets, letter cases in post offices,
etc., can be readily rescued in
case of fire. The accompanying en
graving tells the whole story. The
shelving is made in sections which
can be closed with great rapidity,
and run out of a building without
moving goods or books. The sec
tions are provided at the bottom
with rollers or wheels which rest
upon tracks. This improvement
merits general consideration.”
1869: Save the
stock! The duties
of a clerk during
a fire.
VOL. XXI, NO. 14; OCTOBER 2, 1869