Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

78 Chapter 3

  1. Spencer1910b,116. Thisis also qtd. by Bannister1988,51.

  2. Spencer 1978 vol. 2.

  3. Spencer1981d,187,andonlineat,para.10, accessedSaturday,May5,

  4. Black2003,119.

  5. Lombardo2008,164.

  6. JusticeJohnMarshallHarlan,“OpinionConcurringin Part,Dissentingin Part,”StandardOil Co. of
    NewJerseyv. UnitedStates173 Fed.Rep.177,,accessedWednesday,April4,

  7. Chernow1998,566.

  8. MarkP. Painter,“JusticeOliverWendellHolmes,Jr. (1841–1935),”FromRevolutionto Reconstruction,
    May5, 2003,,accessedWednesday,April4, 2007.

  9. D. E. Bernstein2011.

  10. D. W. Root2007,accessedonlineSaturday,September1, 2012.

  11. D. W. Root2007,accessedonlineSaturday,September1, 2012.

  12. For Blakey’s and Storey’s citationofLochnerv. NewYork, see C. Blakeyand Mr. Storey1918,62.

  13. D. W. Root2007,accessedonlineSaturday,September1, 2012.

  14. OliverWendellHolmes,Lochnerv. NewYork, 198 U.S.45 (1905),“Mr. JusticeHolmesDissenting,”
    publishedat,accessedWednesday,April4, 2007.

  15. Hofstadter1959,47.

  16. Bannister1988,xvi.

  17. Confirmationof Holmes’s explicitsupportfor the eugenicsmovementis foundin AllanChase
    1980,paperbackedition,275,315–16, 353,368,619;Degler1991,47; Fukuyama2002,85; M. Kaku1997,
    256; Kevles1985,111; F. Osborn1968,92; and A. Tone2001,144.

  18. R. A. Posnered. 1992,xxv.

  19. J. Dewey1987b,16.

  20. T. A. Bowden2009,30.
    80.Buckv. Bell274 U.S.200 (1927),republishedin Lombardo2008,287.

  21. J. F. Stephen 1883 vol. 3, 225.

  22. O. W. Holmes1873,582, republishedas O. W. Holmes1988,50.

  23. R. L. Moore1974,41.

  24. T. C. Leonard2003,687–88, accessedonlineMonday,February13, 2012.

  25. “GroupBlastsPETA‘Holocaust’ Project” 2003,
    peta.holocaust/,accessedThursday,May31, 2007.

  26. AbrahamFoxman,IntroductiontoMeinKampf, in Hitler2001,xx–xxi.

  27. D. Swade2001,12.

  28. E. Sayet2012,8-10.I learnedthis fromAlexanderMarriottin his podcast—AlexanderMarriottand
    DanielRoberts,“Episode41: Backto the Past,”HistoryGuys, June22, 2013,the 63 minutemark,hostedon
    BlogTalkRadio online,
    past,accessedMonday,September2, 2013.

  29. J. R. Saul1993,paperback,74, 41.

  30. Blurbon the frontcoverof J. R. Saul1993,paperback.

  31. J. Gray2013,7, accessedonlineThursday,January24, 2013.

  32. A. Padgen2013,18–19.

  33. D’Souza2002,49.

  34. K. Kelly2010,39.

  35. D. Schneiderand C. J. Schneider2007,1, 216.

  36. P. Gay 1969 vol. 2, 409; A. Hochschild2005,87; and J. Powell2008,26.

  37. J. Powell2008,26; and J. K. Taylor1974,242–43.

  38. JohnLocke,SecondTreatiseof Government, ch. 7, sec. 85, para.1, accessedonlineSaturday,October
    25, 2014,in J. Locke 1764 rpt. J. K. Taylor1974,242–43, broughtthis to my attention.

  39. AmbroseEvans-Pritchard,“Towardsa RadicalNewTheoryof Anglo-AmericanSlavery,and Vin-
    dicationof FreeMarkets,”The Telegraph, August7, 2013,
    dication-of-free-markets.html,accessedWednesday,August20, 2014.
    100.D. P. Kotzin 2007 vol. 2, 681;L. J. Kern1994,172;andA. L. C. Tracy1817,ch. 10, para.20, Para.
    42–45, accessedonlineMonday,June10, 2013.
    101.J. B. Say 1823,60; and E. Schoorl2012,19–20, 126–133, 194.
    102.P. Dray2005,200.
    103.N. Chanda2007,214; and J. Powell2008,27.
    104.J. Powell2008,31, pointsout thatThomasPaineadvocatedabolitionisminPostscriptto the Pennsyl-
    vaniaJournaland the WeeklyAdvertiser, publishedon March8, 1775.
    105.J. Powell2008,36, pointsout that Turgotdenouncedslaveryin his letterto RichardPriceon March
    22, 1778,and inReflectionson the Formationand Distributionof Riches.

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