Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

126 Chapter 5

  1. Ekirch1974,168.

  2. C. Webberand A. Wildavsky1986,420.

  3. Hofstadter1959,120,takingthe quotationfromW. Wilson1913,15, alsoin W. Wilson2005,ch. 1,,accessedMay2, 2007.Hereis an extensionof that quota-

  4. JamesT. Adams1931,335.

  5. JamesT. Adams1931,335–37.

  6. Einstein2005d,102.

  7. Black2003,68, 322.

  8. J. Goldberg2007,255.

  9. Ekirch1974,232.

  10. Bannister1988,88.

  11. J. Goldberg2007,447 n. 17.

  12. Ekirch1974,170.

  13. Teixeiraand Halpin2010,9-11,accessedonlineTuesday,September3, 2013.

  14. S. Kühl 1994,24. On this matter,Kühl citesM. Schwartz 1992 and P. Weingartet al. 1988,105–114.

  15. S. Potter2010,138.

  16. J. Goldberg2007,448 n. 34, pointsthis out.

  17. S. Potter2010,138.

  18. J. Goldberg2007,449 n. 34, and S. Potter2010,138.

  19. S. Potter2010,138.

  20. J. Goldberg2007,449 n. 34.

  21. R. Bailey2000b,60–61, accessedonlineWednesday,March7, 2007;M. Ridley1999,292;J. L. Simon
    1998,tradepaperback,553;andTudge2000,285.Interestingly,on thissamepage,Tudgewritesthat
    Keynes“borethe flagsof socialism.. .”

  22. Keynes2009a,42.

  23. J. L. Simon 1998 tradepaperback,553.

  24. BothHardin’s positionas vicepresidentof the AmericanEugenicsSociety,and his admirationfor
    Malthus,are mentionedin AllanChase 1980 paperback,78.

  25. Plotz 2005, 32. ThisRepository’s founder, multimillionaire inventor Robert KlarkGraham
    (1906–1997)was unlikeDr. Hardinin that he soughtto achievehis eugenicgoalsthroughgettingconsent-
    ing adultsof highIQs to “selectivelybreed.” UnderGraham’s management,the Repositorydid not
    openlyadvocatethe samepro-spoliationgovernmentregulationsthat Hardinadvocated.

  26. Hardin1951,613–18, qtd. by AllanChase1980,paperback,374–75.

  27. A. Schroeder2008,642-43,quotingHardin1963.

  28. E. F. Goldman2001,73, 346.Ekirch1974,22, alsomakesthis distinctionbetween“socialDarwin-
    ists” (free-marketers)and “reformDarwinists” (progressives).

  29. Mowry1958,65, 202–203.

  30. S. P. Caine1974,11, 21–23.

  31. Ekirch1974,62.

  32. Bannister1988,198.

  33. Bannister1988,180,198–99. ThatRayStannardBakerandmanyotherProgressivessupported
    government-imposedsegregationis notedin McGerr2003,191.

  34. Bannister1988,198.

  35. Bannister1988,180–81; R. L. Carneiro1981,178–79.

  36. Bannister1988,181.

  37. J. Beaned. 2009,6, 113-17;and J. Roback1986.

  38. C. Gardneret al. 2006,paperback,281–82.

  39. ChrisGardner,interviewedby Bob Brown,in L. Redmond,prod.2003.

  40. J. D. Horan1967,29, 52.

  41. B. W. Folsom2008,206, 209.

  42. Hofstadter1959,139.T. C. Leonard2009,46, accessedonlineMonday,November7, 2011,brought
    this passageto my attention.

  43. Lombardo2008,200.

  44. E. W. Bemis1888.T. C. Leonard2009,46, accessedonlineMonday,November7, 2011,broughtthis
    to my attention.

  45. Hofstadter1992,107.

  46. J. Goldberg2007,91.

  47. Mowry1958,93.

  48. WilliamAllenWhite,The Old OrderChangeth(NewYork,NY, 1910),qtd. by Mowry1958,93.

  49. Ekirch1974,202, 188.

  50. I foundthe quotationin A. Herman1997,177, citingB. Tuchman1970,177.

  51. AlbertBeveridge,“The Marchof the Flag” speech,September16, 1898,
    halsall/mod/1898beveridge.html,accessedThursday,April18, 2013.

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