126 Chapter 5
- Ekirch1974,168.
- C. Webberand A. Wildavsky1986,420.
- Hofstadter1959,120,takingthe quotationfromW. Wilson1913,15, alsoin W. Wilson2005,ch. 1,
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14811/14811.txt,accessedMay2, 2007.Hereis an extensionof that quota-
tion. - Qtd.by JamesT. Adams1931,335.
- JamesT. Adams1931,335–37.
- Einstein2005d,102.
- Black2003,68, 322.
- J. Goldberg2007,255.
- Ekirch1974,232.
- Bannister1988,88.
- J. Goldberg2007,447 n. 17.
- Ekirch1974,170.
- Teixeiraand Halpin2010,9-11,accessedonlineTuesday,September3, 2013.
- S. Kühl 1994,24. On this matter,Kühl citesM. Schwartz 1992 and P. Weingartet al. 1988,105–114.
- S. Potter2010,138.
- J. Goldberg2007,448 n. 34, pointsthis out.
- S. Potter2010,138.
- J. Goldberg2007,449 n. 34, and S. Potter2010,138.
- S. Potter2010,138.
- J. Goldberg2007,449 n. 34.
- R. Bailey2000b,60–61, accessedonlineWednesday,March7, 2007;M. Ridley1999,292;J. L. Simon
1998,tradepaperback,553;andTudge2000,285.Interestingly,on thissamepage,Tudgewritesthat
Keynes“borethe flagsof socialism.. .” - Keynes2009a,42.
- J. L. Simon 1998 tradepaperback,553.
- BothHardin’s positionas vicepresidentof the AmericanEugenicsSociety,and his admirationfor
Malthus,are mentionedin AllanChase 1980 paperback,78. - Plotz 2005, 32. ThisRepository’s founder, multimillionaire inventor Robert KlarkGraham
(1906–1997)was unlikeDr. Hardinin that he soughtto achievehis eugenicgoalsthroughgettingconsent-
ing adultsof highIQs to “selectivelybreed.” UnderGraham’s management,the Repositorydid not
openlyadvocatethe samepro-spoliationgovernmentregulationsthat Hardinadvocated. - Hardin1951,613–18, qtd. by AllanChase1980,paperback,374–75.
- A. Schroeder2008,642-43,quotingHardin1963.
- E. F. Goldman2001,73, 346.Ekirch1974,22, alsomakesthis distinctionbetween“socialDarwin-
ists” (free-marketers)and “reformDarwinists” (progressives). - Mowry1958,65, 202–203.
- S. P. Caine1974,11, 21–23.
- Ekirch1974,62.
- Qtd.by Bannister1988,198.
- Bannister1988,180,198–99. ThatRayStannardBakerandmanyotherProgressivessupported
government-imposedsegregationis notedin McGerr2003,191. - Bannister1988,198.
- Bannister1988,180–81; R. L. Carneiro1981,178–79.
- Bannister1988,181.
- J. Beaned. 2009,6, 113-17;and J. Roback1986.
- C. Gardneret al. 2006,paperback,281–82.
- ChrisGardner,interviewedby Bob Brown,in L. Redmond,prod.2003.
- J. D. Horan1967,29, 52.
- B. W. Folsom2008,206, 209.
- Hofstadter1959,139.T. C. Leonard2009,46, accessedonlineMonday,November7, 2011,brought
this passageto my attention. - Lombardo2008,200.
- E. W. Bemis1888.T. C. Leonard2009,46, accessedonlineMonday,November7, 2011,broughtthis
to my attention. - Hofstadter1992,107.
- J. Goldberg2007,91.
- Mowry1958,93.
- WilliamAllenWhite,The Old OrderChangeth(NewYork,NY, 1910),qtd. by Mowry1958,93.
- Ekirch1974,202, 188.
- I foundthe quotationin A. Herman1997,177, citingB. Tuchman1970,177.
- AlbertBeveridge,“The Marchof the Flag” speech,September16, 1898,http://www.fordham.edu/
halsall/mod/1898beveridge.html,accessedThursday,April18, 2013.