Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

314 Chapter 12

  1. Rand1963d,45, republishedin Rand 1970 paperback,127.

  2. Binswanger1981c,12; andBinswanger2011c,,accessedTuesday,
    January3, 2012.

  3. R. D. McGrath 1984 arguesthatvigilantesdid createa peacefulsocialorderin the OldWest.
    However,to the extentthatthatmaybe true,it is actuallybecausethosevigilantesincreasinglycameto
    act like a monopolisticnight-watchman-state.

  4. Binswanger1981c,12; and Binswanger2011c,accessedonlineTuesday,January3, 2012.

  5. R. Nozick1974,118.

  6. H. Hazlitt1993a.

  7. R. Nozick1974,27.

  8. B. Doherty2007,248,688 n. 17, reportsabouthowSamuelKonkinIII wasthe libertariananarchist
    whocoinedminarchism. In this interpretation,anarchismis the perfectideology,andminarchismis an
    imperfectbut necessarystepto becomingfullymatureand intellectuallyperfectby embracinganarchism.
    In this regard,one can thinkof a “minarchist” as a boy ridinghis bicyclewithhis trainingwheelson. The
    boy finallyproclaiminghimselfan anarchistis the momentthat he is ableto ride his bicyclein the absence
    of trainingwheels.

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