Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

24 Chapter 1

  1. See Derber’s use of the quotationin Derber1998,95, and thensee thatonlyone sourcewascited,
    givenoverthirty-twoyearsapart,in Derber1998,345–46 n. 6. Thatsamenotealso citesa bookby Richard
    Rubenstein,but nowheredoesthe noteacknowledgethatthe quotationof Sumneris actuallytwo differ-
    ent quotationsput together.

  2. Sumner,1969-E,52–58.

  3. Sumner,“TheConcentrationof Wealth:Its EconomicJustification,”The Independent, April–June
    1902,republishedas Sumner1969-B,170–72.

  4. S. Jacoby2008,71.

  5. Berreby2005,211.Interestingly,this sameDavidBerrebywroteto JulianL. Simonin 1991thathe
    wouldpreferseventhousandmoreelephantson Earthovera billionmorepeople.Thisis accordingto J.
    L. Simon 1998 tradepaperback,566 n. 10, 649 n. 10.

  6. Sumner1911,ch. 9, para.7–10,,accessedTuesday,November6, 2007.

  7. R. H. Gabriel1956,241.

  8. Spencer1981a.

  9. R. T. Ely 2006,57.

  10. For instance,W. H. Spiegel 2002 3d ed., 400, noticesSpencer’s warningaboutintrusivegovernment
    in the nineteenthcenturyleadingto a “comingslavery,” but thisauthor—WilliamHenrySpiegel(b.
    1911)—failsto noticethatcommunismwasindeeda formof slaverythatemergedfromthe trendabout

  11. Schumpeter1996,reviseded., 773 n. 5.

  12. J. G. Kennedy1978,119.

  13. Thiscalculationwasmadeusingthe FederalReserveBankof Minneapolis2014,accessedonline
    Wednesday,July2, 2014.

  14. J. G. Kennedy1978,153 n. 3.

  15. Black2003,12; AllanChase1982,67; and S. Jacoby2004,140.

  16. Black2003,12; AllanChase1982,67; Hofstadter1959,41; and Waal2009,28–29.

  17. Derber1998,95.

  18. Hofstadter1959,41.

  19. Galbraith1987,122.

  20. AllanChase1982,68.

  21. W. Irvine1959,166, citingDarwin 1896 vol. 2, 239. DarwinfoundSpencerannoyingand snooty,but
    he was not morallyoutragedby Spencer’s economictheories.

  22. Darwin1872,Preface,para.17, accessedonlineSunday,January8, 2012.

  23. R. L. Carneiro1981,157.

  24. G. H. Smith1981,143 n. 6, citingan 1860letterfromDarwinto CharlesLyellin Darwin 1896 vol. 2,

  25. G. H. Smith1981,143 n. 6, quotinga letterfromDarwinto E. Ray Lankesterin Darwin 1896 vol. 2,

  26. G. H. Smith1981,143 n. 6, citingDarwin 1896 vol. 2, 344.

  27. Spencer1851,pt. 3, ch. 28, sec. 4, para.3, 5,,accessedTuesday,July17,

  28. Spencer1851,pt. 3, ch. 25, sec. 5, para.1, and thensec. 6, para.3-5, accessedonlineTuesday,July17,

  29. W. T. Anderson1996,67, citingAllanChase1982,68. The quotationis fromSpencer1886,343.

  30. Spencer1886,345.

  31. Spencer1851,pt. 3, ch. 20, sec. 3, para.3, accessedonlineTuesday,July17, 2007.

  32. P. Starr1982,105, 461 n. 70.

  33. Spencer1851,pt. 3, ch. 28, sec. 4, para.1–3, accessedonlineSunday,October26, 2008.

  34. Spencer1981e,249, Letter9, para.6, accessedonlineWednesday,January11, 2012.

  35. P. J. Bowler1996,25.

  36. Yoder1975,32, quotingJ. Higham1967,135.

  37. “Mr. Martineauon Evolution,”ContemporaryReview, June1872,republishedas Spencer1891b,379.

  38. Skousen2001,tradepaperback, 212

  39. Black2003,12, whichis in chapter2, creditsSpencerwithstartingSocialDarwinism,and thenleads
    to chapter2, endnote#18 in the booksbackon page446.Black2003,446 n. 18 citespagexii of Bannister’s
    SocialDarwinism:Sciencein Mythin Anglo-AmericanSocialThought. Lookingat Bannister1988,xii, right
    now,I do not see any text demonstratingBlack’s pointthat SpencerstartedsocialDarwinism.

  40. Theexcerptsquotedare in A. Brooks2006,68–69. Thederogatoryassessmentof Spenceris in
    chapter3 andendswitha superscripted“27.” Whenone goesto the backof the book,in its Endnotes
    section,one findschapter3, Endnote27 inibid., 219 n. 27. Oneof the two sourcescitedis Bannister1973,
    whichBannisterrevisedand had republishedas chapter5 of Bannister1988.Brooksgetsthe title slightly
    wrong.A. Brooks2006,219 n. 27 saysthe titleis “WilliamGrahamSumner’s ‘SocialDarwinism’ Recon-
    sidered” but it is actually“WilliamGrahamSumner’s ‘SocialDarwinism’: A Reconsideration.”

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