Jewish Philosophical Politics in Germany, 1789-1848

(Amelia) #1


AF Friedlander, Albert. “The Wohlwill-Moser Correspondence.” Leo Baeck
Institute Yearbook 11 ( 1966 ): 262 – 99.
BA Bettelheim, Anton. Berthold Auerbach: Der Mann, sein Werk, sein Nachlaß.
Stuttgart: Cotta, 1907.
BS Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Berliner Schriften: ( 1818 – 1831 ), voran gehen
Heidelberger Schriften ( 1816 – 1818 ). Edited and with an introduction by Walter
Jaeschke. Hamburg: Meiner, 1997.
DHA Heine, Heinrich. Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe der Werke. Edited by
Manfred Windfuhr. 16 vols. Hamburg: Hoffmann and Campe, 1973 – 97. This
edition is known as the Düsseldorfer Heine-Ausgabe.
DS Breckman, Warren. Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the Origins of Radical Social
Theory: Dethroning the Self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
ECJ Bendavid, Lazarus. Etwas zur Charackteristick der Juden. Leipzig: J. Stahel,
EPW Marx, Karl. Marx: Early Political Writings. Translated and edited by Joseph
O’Malley with Richard A. Davis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
HHM Hess, Moses. The Holy History of Mankind and Other Writings. Edited by
Shlomo Avineri. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
HHS Von der Luft, Eric, ed. and trans. Hegel, Hinrichs, and Schleiermacher on
Feeling and Reason in Religion: The Texts of Their 1821 – 22 Debate. Lewiston,
NY: Edwin Mellen, 1987.
IKW Kant, Immanuel. Immanuel Kant Werkausgabe. Edited by Wilhelm
Weischedel. 12 vols. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1968.
JF Bauer, Bruno. Die Judenfrage. Braunschweig, Germany: Friedrich Otto, 1843.
KMEW Marx, Karl. Karl Marx: Early Writings. Translated by Gregor Benton and
Rodney Livingstone. Introduction by Lucio Colletti. New York: Vintage, 1975.
KMSW Marx, Karl. Selected Writings. Edited by Lawrence H. Simon. Indianapolis,
IN: Hackett, 1994.
LHP Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the History of Philosophy.
Translated by E. S. Haldane and Frances H. Simson. 3 vols. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1995.
LPR Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion.
Edited by Peter C. Hodgson. Translated by R. F. Brown, Peter C. Hodgson,
and J. M. Stewart, with the assistance of H. S. Harris. 3 vols. Reprint. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2007.
MECW Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. Collected Works. 47 vols. New York:
International, 1975 – 2004.

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