Jewish Philosophical Politics in Germany, 1789-1848

(Amelia) #1

292 } Notes to Chapter 2

objectivity and its paradoxical instrumentalization in “The Ideology of Wissenschaft des
30. Eduard Gans, “Verein für Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden. Rechenschaftsbericht,”
Berlin, March 11 , 1820 , 1 , ARC 4792 /B 11 – 32 , Zunz Archive.
31. Ibid.
32. Reissner, Eduard Gans, 59.
33. Hegel also lectured on the history of philosophy in winter 1823 – 24 and on the phi-
losophy of religion in summer 1824 , but by this time the Verein was already in decline.
34. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, foreword. The foreword was dated Easter 1822 ,
which was April 7.
35. Hegel’s other two previously published books, the Phenomenology of Spirit ( 1807 )
and The Science of Logic ( 1812 – 16 ), were also available to the Vereinler.
36. Laurence Dickey, “General Introduction,” xxiv.
37. Terry Pinkard, Hegel, 430 – 31. On Hegel’s aspirations for his move to Berlin and his
negotiation of the changing political climate in his first years there, see ibid., 418 – 68.
38. See note 2 , in this chapter. Hegel polemicized against Fries in the preface to PR and at
two points in § 270. He refers to Fries both explicitly, when arguing that the Christian religion
can assume a polemical stance vis-à-vis the state, and implicitly, in the footnote advocating
Jewish civil rights (see § 270 , note 5 by the editor, Allen Wood). As Fischer points out, Hegel
had spoken out in Heidelberg for Jewish emancipation shortly after Fries had thrown his
weight behind Burschenschaft nationalism at the Wartburg festival in October 1817 (“Hegel
in Support of Jewish Emancipation,” 142 ). The circumstances under which Hegel attacked
Fries in PR contributed significantly to the perception of the book as an apologetic for the
authoritarian Restoration Prussian state. Karl Sand, August von Kotzebue’s assassin, was a
student of Fries. Fries was unfairly condemned for conspiracy with Sand and deprived of his
professorship. Even though Hegel’s feud with Fries predated the Kotzebue assassination,
his sharp attack was widely seen as an endorsement of the purge of an academic colleague.
The Vereinler, however, would have seen Fries as a virulent antisemite, not a liberal brother
in arms, and they presumably approved of Hegel’s position. Waszek argues (“‘Wissenschaft
und Liebe zu den Seinen,’” 89 ) that Hegel’s attack on Fries in PR contributed to the book’s
impact on Gans, which—in the introduction to Das Erbrecht in Weltgeschichtlicher Ent-
wicklung, dated March 23 , 1823 —he memorably described as follows: “Hegel und seinen
Schriften habe ich, der ich im Zwiespalt, zwischen meinem abstracten Denken und meiner
Wissenschaft begriffen war, die vollere Versöhnung mit der letzteren zu danken; namentlich
ist mir seit dem Erscheinen der Rechtsphilosophie zuerst ein heller Tag geworden, wo ich
mir nur eines dunklen Herumtappens bewußt war” (Eduard Gans ( 1797 – 1839 ), 101 ).
39. Klaus Briegleb writes that Moser “very obviously had heard” Hegel’s address (“ ‘Jeder
Reiche ist ein Judas Ischariot!,’” 126 , note 25 ).
40. Dickey, “General Introduction,” xxiii.
41. That is, worthier than that of the Enlightenment and Kantian philosophy, which had
considered the human mind incapable of knowing the eternal and divine.
42. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Political Writings, 185. For the German original, see
Hegel, Berliner Schriften, 47 – 48.
43. These figures are from Schorsch, TC, 206 – 7. Roemer (citing Reissner, Eduard Gans,
174 – 85 ) says the Verein had 81 members (Jewish Scholarship, 32 ).

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