Asia Looks Seaward

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  1. ONI,Handbook,55.

  2. Author’s interview with Chinese scholar, Newport, RI, January 2007.

  3. ONI,Handbook,30.

  4. Li Dajun, ‘‘Commander of Mine-Warfare Vessels,’’Modern Ships129 (September
    1996): 18.

  5. See State Council,China’s National Defense in 2006.

  6. Liu Feng’an and others, ‘‘Basic Project Promoting Changes in Military Training—A
    Summary of Reform in the Content of All-Military and Armed Police Force Training
    and Outline Compilation and Revision Work,’’PLA Daily,December 28, 2006, 1, OSC-

  7. ‘‘Make Changes to the Training Mechanisms, Contents, and Methods—Second on
    Promoting the Innovation and Development of Military Training in the Navy in the New
    Stage of the New Century, ’’People’s Navy,July 28, 2006, 1, OSC-CPP20060906318003.

  8. ‘‘Act Pragmatically, Be Committed to Implementation—Third on Promoting the
    Innovation and Development of Military Training in the Navy in the New Stage of the New
    Century,’’People’s Navy,July 31, 2006, 1, OSC-CPP20060906318002.

  9. ONI,Handbook,88.

  10. Ibid., 56.

  11. Ibid., 89.

  12. Wang Hai and Zhang Xiaoqi, ‘‘Digital Sea Chart Ushers in New Era of Navigation,’’
    PLA Daily,January 23, 2007, OSC-CPP20070124715005.

  13. ONI,Handbook,67–72.

  14. ‘‘Act Pragmatically, Be Committed to Implementation.’’

  15. ONI,Handbook,73–77.

  16. Ibid., 86.

  17. Liu Beizhan and others, ‘‘Brave Sword—Recording a Certain Frigate Unit’s
    Commander Wang Bin,’’People’s Navy,March 28, 2002, 1.

  18. Lin Zailian and others, ‘‘Put the Vanguard Status into Practice and Raise High the
    Banner of the Pioneer—A First Hand Report on How the Boat 814 Party Branch Fulfilled
    its Duty as a Combat Stronghold,’’People’s Navy,March 30, 2002, 3.

  19. Jiang Minjun and others, ‘‘Take Advantage of the East Wind to Navigate Well—A
    First-Hand Record of New Outline Test Exercises by a Destroyer Detachment from the South
    Sea Fleet,’’People’s Navy,March 5, 2002, 1–2.

  20. Zailian and others, ‘‘Put the Vanguard Status into Practice.’’

  21. Wen Shangjing and others, ‘‘Warship 852 Obtains Substantial Results in Innovating
    Training Methods,’’People’s Navy,May 11, 2002, 2.

  22. Zhang Zuowei and others, ‘‘‘Sea Engineers’ Temper Themselves Through Meritori-
    ous Service,’’Naval & Merchant Ships310 (July 2005): 3.

  23. Liu Ronghua and others, ‘‘China’s First Petty Officers Take Position,’’People’s Navy,
    April 9, 2002, 2.

  24. Chen Qizheng and others, ‘‘Locking in on the Battlefield of the Future—Recording a
    Certain Minesweeper Brigade from Unit 9108’s Heroic Efforts at Difficult Mine Sweeping
    Exercises,’’People’s Navy,March 21, 2002, 1–2.

  25. ‘‘Conscientiously Put Military Training in a Strategic Position—First on Promoting
    the Innovation and Development of Military Training in the Navy in the New Stage of the
    New Century,’’People’s Navy,July 26, 2006, 1, OSC-CPP20060906318001.

  26. ONI,Handbook,34.

196 Notes

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