Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1

  1. ‘‘Taiwan Reportedly Tests Missiles Capable of Hitting Shanghai, Hong Kong,’’
    Associated Press, March 6, 2007.

  2. Chris Buckley and Ralph Jennings, ‘‘China Slams Independence Talk from Taiwan,’’
    Reuters, March 5, 2007.

  3. For a pithy explanation of the importance of Taiwanese self-defense, see Holmes,
    ‘‘‘Assassin’s Mace’ Is the PRC’s Key in New Race.’’

  4. Euan Graham,Japan’s Sea Lane Security, 1940–2004: A Matter of Life and Death?
    (New York: Routledge, 2006).

  5. Ibid.

  6. Peng and Yao,The Science of Military Strategy,67.

  7. Liu, ‘‘Theory of the Command of the Sea.’’

Chapter 6

The views set forth here are the author’s alone.

  1. Luo Ping, ‘‘National Oil, Nationally Hauled: China’s Energy Security Insurance Line’’
    [Guoyou Guoyun: Zhongguo Nengyuan de Anquan Baozhang Xian],Maritime China,February
    2005, 38–40.

  2. ‘‘Hu Calls for Strong Navy’’; ‘‘Chinese President Calls for Strengthened, Modernized
    Navy’’; ‘‘Chinese President Calls for Strong Navy’’; Lague, ‘‘China Airs Ambitions.’’

  3. See Information Office of the State Council,China’s National Defense in 2006.

  4. Li Jie, ‘‘China’s Oil Demands and Sea Lane Security’’ [Shiyou, Zhongguo Xuyao yu
    Haidao Anquan],Jianquan Zhishi,September 2004, 10–13.

  5. Wu Lei and Shen Qinyu, ‘‘Will China Go to War over Oil?’’Far Eastern Economic
    Review169, no. 3 (April 2006): 38.

  6. Qiao Enyan, ‘‘Petroleum Enterprises and Their Use in National Oil Security Strategy’’
    [Shiyou Qiye zai Guojia Shiyou Anquan Zhanlue Zhong de Zuoyong],Modern Chemical Industry,
    July 2005, 9–12.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Yang Mingjie, ed.,Sea Lane Security and International Cooperation,(Beijing: Current
    Affairs Publishing House, 2005), 123.

  9. Luo Ping, ‘‘National Oil, Nationally Hauled,’’ 38–40.

  10. Ibid.

  11. ‘‘The Development of Chinese Shipbuilding Industry in Recent Years,’’ Organisation
    for Economic Cooperation and Development, December 15, 2006,

  12. Li Shaojun, ‘‘Mahan’sSea Powerand its Influence on China’s Oil Security Strategy’’
    [Lun Haichuan dui Zhongguo Shiyou Anquan de Yinxiang],International Forum6, no. 4
    (July 2004): 16–20.

  13. Chen Angang, ‘‘Malacca: America’s Coveted Strategic Outpost’’ [Malike Haixia: Mei-
    guo Jiyu de Zhanlue Qianshao],Modern Ships[Xiandai Jianchuan], December 2004, 11–14.

  14. Japan’s interest in the Indian Ocean stems from the fact that most of its oil imports
    must also transit the Malacca Strait.

  15. ‘‘China Gives Green Light to Myanmar Oil Pipeline,’’ Agence France Presse, April 18,

  16. Yang,Sea Lane Security and International Cooperation,106.

200 Notes

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