Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1

Yoshihara, ‘‘Mao Zedong, Meet Alfred Thayer Mahan,’’Australian Defence Force Journal 171
(October 2006): 33–50.

  1. Kim,Naval Strategy in Northeast Asia,173.

  2. Ni Lexiong, ‘‘Sea Power and China’s Development,’’Liberation Daily,April 17, 2005,
    2, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Web site,
    Development.pdf. See also Holmes and Yoshihara, ‘‘The Influence of Mahan upon China’s
    Maritime Strategy,’’ 53–71.

  3. Ni, ‘‘Sea Power and China’s Development,’’ 1–2. On Germany’s quest for sea power,
    see Holmes, ‘‘Mahan, a ‘Place in the Sun,’ and Germany’s Quest for Sea Power,’’ 27–62.

  4. Ni, ‘‘Sea Power and China’s Development,’’ 4.

  5. Ibid., 5.

  6. Andrew J. Nathan and Robert S. Ross,The Great Wall and the Empty Fortress: China’s
    Search for Security(New York: W.W. Norton, 1997), 24–26.

  7. See, for example, Ryohei Oga, ‘‘What the PRC Submarine Force Is Aiming For,’’Sekai
    no Kansen,July 1, 2005, 96–101; and Toru Kizu, ‘‘Japan and China—A Comparison of Their
    Sea Power,’’Sekai no Kansen,November 1, 2004, 84–91.

  8. ‘‘China Bringing Okinawa ‘within Range’—What Underlies Oilfield Development in
    the East China Sea,’’Sentaku,January 1, 2006, 46–47.

  9. Yoshiko Sakurai, ‘‘Proposal to Prime Minister Koizumi—The Enemy Is within Japan,’’
    Sankei Shimbun,January 12, 2006.

  10. Bill Gertz, ‘‘China Builds Up Strategic Sea Lanes,’’Washington Times,January 18,

  11. Hideaki Kaneda, ‘‘The Rise of Chinese ‘Sea Power,’’’Philippine Daily Inquirer,
    September 22, 2005.

  12. Yoichi Funabashi, ‘‘Japan’s Waters: Vast in Size and Potential,’’Asahi Shimbun,January
    13, 2004.

  13. Jun Kitamura, ‘‘The U.S. Military’s Perception of Japan and National Strategies That
    Japan Should Have: Proposal for the Future of the Japan–US Alliance,’’Seiron,February 1,
    2006, 298–307.

  14. JDA,Defense of Japan 2005,43.

  15. See ‘‘JDA to Step Up Vigilance against PRC; GSDF to Conduct Joint Exercises with
    U.S. Military; MSDF Developing New Torpedo,’’Nihon Keizai Shimbun,December 31,
    2005, and ‘‘Japan, U.S. to Simulate Defense for Outlying Islands in Map Exercise,’’ Kyodo
    World Service, August 4, 2005.

  16. ‘‘Maritime Self-Defense Force News,’’Sekai no Kansen,December 1, 2005,

  17. ‘‘Jieitai vs. Chugoku Gun: Jieitai Wa Kakutatakaeri,’’Bessatsu Takara jima,September
    1, 2005.

  18. John B. Hattendorf and Donald M. Schurman, ‘‘Introduction,’’ in Corbett,Maritime
    Operations in the Russo-Japanese War,v–xvii.

Chapter 9

1.International Energy Outlook 2005(Washington, DC: Energy Information Agency,
2005);British Petroleum Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2005(London: British Petro-
leum, 2005).

Notes 209
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