Asia Looks Seaward

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Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV), 137
Aegis destroyers, 6, 160, 161
AEW (airborne early-warning) aircraft,
Chinese, 84
Akiyama Saneyuki, 150, 152, 153
anti-MIW (mine warfare), 158
antiship missiles, Chinese, 87
APT (ASEAN Plus Three), 176
Arab oil embargo of 1973, 156
archipelagic sea lines, 67
arts, 20
ASCM (antiship cruise missile), 75, 79, 81,
87, 90, 106, 138
ASEAN, 176, 180; declaration on South
China Sea, 174–75; economic
interdependence and, 181
ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, 177,
ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Com-
mittee, 176
ASEAN+3 Summit (APT), 159, 176
Ashuelot,189 n.6
Asia, overview of: commerce, 3–4; force
structure trends, 1990–2006, 4, 5t;
geography and history, 2–3; naval power,
4–6; regional naval force structures, 5t;

sea power theory, 6–9; shipbuilding
capacity, 3–4
Asian Free Trade Area, 171
ASW (antisubmarine warfare): and China,
79, 80, 84, 91–92, 96–97, 98, 105, 121,
139; and Japan, 13, 155, 156, 157, 158,
161; and United States, 57, 60
Australia, 32, 36, 43, 52, 62, 63, 66, 141,
AWACS (airborne warning and control
system) aircraft, Chinese, 84

Bali, 19
ballistic missiles, 78, 86
Battle of Tsushima, 152, 153
Beidou system, 89
Berents Sea, 210 n.14
Bilateral Trade Agreement, 180
blue-water navy, 72, 77, 112, 208 n.81
Bray, Scott, 76, 77, 79, 86, 90, 97, 107
Brunei, 172, 173, 176
Burke, Arleigh, 158

C4ISR, 85–90
Callwell, Charles E., 8
Cambodia, 159, 176
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