Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1

Edward VIII, 41; and Japan, 34, 36, 38–
39, 42–44
Cloma, Thomas, 175
Cobra Gold, 180
Cohen, Stephen P., 129, 131
Cold War, 56–59, 157; post–Cold War era,
59–60, 158–62
concentric circles (Mohan), 13, 129, 131,
132, 144
contiguous zone, 64–65
Corbett, Julian, 7, 8
counterterrorism, 15, 131, 180
Curzon (Lord of Kedleston), 35–36

Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in
the South China Sea, 174–75
The Defense Policy of the Japanese Empire,
Defense Research and Development
Organization (DRDO), 135–36, 138
defensive realism, 183
Deng Xiaoping, 101
Diaoyutai Islands, 162, 171
Dickinson, Frederick R., 34
diesel submarine, 75, 76, 93
Dingman, Roger, 150–51, 152, 154
Downs, Erica, 115–16
drug trafficking, 61
Dryer, Edward, 30

East China Sea, 23
East Sea Fleet (ESF), 93
Edward VIII, 40–41
EEZ (exclusive economic zone), 65, 127,
140, 173
electronic signals intelligence (ELINT), 82
environmental degradation, 61
Evans, David, 152
Exploring Squadron, 47

Fallon, William, 63, 72–73
fast-attack missile craft, Chinese, 80–81
FBM (fleet ballistic missile), 57, 58
FDI (foreign direct investment), 181
Fifth Fleet, 63
Finlay, Robert, 30
First Opium War (1840–42), 47

Fisher, Warren, 40
Five-Power Treaty, 53–54
Foote, Andrew, 48
force multiplication, 62
Foreign Service, reorganization of, 188 n.2
forward deployed forces, 67, 143–44
Forward...From the Sea: Preparing the
Naval Service for the Twenty-first Century,
59–60, 67
Four-Power Treaty, 54
Framework Agreement, 178
Framework Agreement on ASEAN-China
Comprehensive Economic Cooperation,
France, 4, 5, 15, 19, 53, 54, 84, 87, 130,
Francis, Ed, 103
Friendship(U.S. trader), 47
From the Sea: Preparing the Naval Service for
the Twenty-first Century,59–60, 67
Funabashi, Yoichi, 165

Galileo Joint Undertaking, 89
Galileo Supervisory Authority, 89
Galileo system, 89
Geddes, Auckland, 37
Germany, 19, 33, 34, 38, 41, 42, 164
Global Maritime Network, 62
Gombei, Yamamoto, 150, 153
Great Britain: switch from sail to steam,
18–19.See alsoGreat Britain, and Japan
Great Britain, and Japan: as allies during
early twentieth century, 33–35; Anglo-
Japanese Treaty, 1902, 33, 52–53, 55;
end of alliance, 37; interwar period, 38–
43; issues with renewing alliance, 36–37;
lessons to be learned from, 44; parallels
with current U.S. position, 32; ten-year
rule, 39; tripartite treaty possibility, 37;
and United States, 35, 36–38
Great White Fleet, 50, 51, 52, 55
Ground SDF forces, 166
Guam, 51, 56, 64, 102, 182
Guam Doctrine, 156
Guangzhou (Canton), 23
guerre de course,149, 156, 158
Guidelines for Defense Cooperation, 157

Index 215
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