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The fi rm is also on its way to establishing itself in new lines
of businesses such as water and air purifi ers, air coolers,
and engineering facility management
The project’s retrofi tting measures focus on the air-conditioning and ventilation system.
Blue Star Limited celebrates 75 years
of operations
Enova signs retrofi t deal with RAK Municipality
Air conditioning and commercial refrigeration
major, Blue Star Limited, has completed 75
successful years of operations.
Founded in 1943 by Mohan T Advani as a
t h ree - member tea m, Blue S t a r is a n a i r cond i -
tioning and commercial refrigeration industry
i n I nd ia , w it h a st rong foot hold i n i nt er nat iona l
The fi rm is also on its way to establishing
itself in new lines of businesses such as water
and air purifi ers, air coolers, and engineering
facility management. The company’s integrat-
ed business model of manufacturer, installer
and after-sales service provider, offers com-
prehensive solutions for the residential, com-
mercial and infrastructure segments, which
has proved to be a signifi cant differentiator
Ras Al Khaimah Municipality has selected
Enova for a retrofi t project covering four munici-
pality buildings as part of its R AK Energy Ef-
fi ciency and Renewable Energy Strategy 2040.
The fi ve-year agreement is the fi rst energy
performance contract R AK Municipality has
signed in the emirate and will see energy and
water usage cut by 31.3%.
HE Munther Mohammed bin Shekar, Direc-
tor General of R AK Municipality, said: “Ras
Al Khaimah government is engaged in a long-
term strategy for sustainability. We welcome
the collaboration with Enova and the launch
of this fi rst retrofi t project for the government
to support adoption of new technologies and
practices that will reduce energy intensity in
several R AK Municipality buildings.”
He added: “ T h is is a n i mpor t a nt fi rst step for
the government to achieve the goals set forth
in the R AK Energy Effi ciency and Renewable
Energy Strategy 2040.”
Enova has been entrusted with the retrofi t
of the Municipality’s main headquarters, two
health department buildings, and a slaughter-
Dawood Bin Ozair, CEO, Blue Star International.
in the market place.
In 2017 a new company, Blue Star Interna-
tional FZCO, a wholly owned subsidiary of
Blue Star Limited was formed. This company
with its head quarters in Dubai, manages the
entire overseas businesses for Blue Star. The
fi rm is now present in 18 countries globally,
including countries in the Middle East, A frica,
SA ARC and ASEAN regions.
Dawood Bin Ozair, CEO, Blue Star Inter-
national FZCO said: ”As Blue Star takes its
fi rst steps from Platinum Jubilee towards its
centenary, the Company has ambitious growth
plans. Its rolling, 3-year strategic plan has a
strong emphasis on revenue growth, profi t-
ability improvement and productivity enhance-
ment. The Company aspires to grow faster
than the market; improve profi tability through
house. In total, the structures occupy an area
exceeding 10,000m^2.
Through the planned retrofi t, the project
will provide guaranteed total savings of more
than 4GW H of electricit y over the contract du-
Anne Le Guennec, CEO, Enova.
ration, which has an impact on carbon emis-
sions comparable to that of taking nearly 700
cars off the roads. Additionally, over 8 million
imperial gallons of water will be saved during
the period, enough to fi ll 14 Olympic-sized
swimming pools.
The project’s retrofi tting measures focus on
the air-conditioning and ventilation system and
the ‘building envelope’ – the physical division
between the conditioned and the unconditioned
environment of a building that enable the build-
ing services to maintain acceptable indoor en-
vironmental conditions.
Based on fi ndings from a detailed audit,
Enova will implement a series of energy and
water conservation measures, such as the op-
t i m i z at ion of AC u n it s , roof t her ma l coat i ng a nd
a combined water-saving solution. Enova’s chief
executive offi cer, Anne Le Guennec, said: “We
are proud to help Ras Al Khaimah Municipality
achieve its ambitious sustainability objectives,
in accordance with the UN’s Sustainable De-
velopment Goals. Through this partnership,
we are supporting the authority in making
substantial cost savings."
backward integration; harness the power of
digital technologies for greater customer
intimacy and effi ciency; differentiate itself
through excellence programmes; continue to
improve its return on capital employed; and
invest in human capital.”