Washington Report On Middle East Affairs – October 2018

(Ron) #1
Finding Jesus Among Muslims
By Jordan Denari Duffner, Liturgical Press,
2017, paperback, 162 pp. MEB: $18.

At a time of ever
sharpening divi-
sions, heightened
xenophobia, and
the thorough main-
streaming of an an-
tagonistic obses-
sion with Islam and
Muslims in many
parts of the West-
ern world, a young Catholic from Indiana
issues this clarion call for deep engage-
ment and dialogue with Islam and Mus-
Guiding her readers through her own
personal journey of faith and her encoun-
ters with Muslims in the United States
and abroad, Jordan Denari Duffner
makes a passionate case to her spiritual
brethren to view interreligious dialogue
with Muslims as not merely a feel-good
gesture of neighborliness, but as a fulfil-
ment of spiritual mandate. Duffner does
not belittle interfaith dialogue with the ob-
jective of collaborating for justice, resolv-
ing conflict, deepening mutual under-
standing between religious communities,
or even seeking converts, but she as-

serts that these ought not to be the ulti-
mate goals motivating her fellow Chris-
tians to engage. At its core, she writes,
such engagement should be fundamen-
tally animated by a desire to draw closer
to God.
Duffner first introduces us to some of
the Muslims she’s come to know, and
Islam as reflected through their character
lived experiences. She underscores her
belief—citing Pope Francis—that Chris-
tians cannot truly be in relationship with
God while being out of relationship with
She then moves on to discuss the ex-
periences of animus and prejudice en-
dured by many Muslims living in Western
countries. Drawing parallels between the
treatment of Catholics and Muslims in the
United States, she demonstrates how
today’s prejudices and acts of hate
against Muslims so resemble anti-
Catholic sentiments of old. She describes
the torching of Catholic churches and
mosques, as well as the depiction of
these communities as subversive fifth
columns set on infiltrating American insti-
tutions, changing its culture and way of
life, and supplanting U.S. laws.
The latter portion of her work is de-
voted to exploring her experiences living
a life deeply engaged in dialogue with
Islam and Mus-
lims. She tells of
how her own re-
lationship with
faith was deep-
ened by her en-
countering Mus-
lims, and how her
fellow Christians
might also experi-
ence God and
faith with “fresh
perspective and
eager curiosity”
by approaching
their religion
through a tradi-
tion other than

their own. She also addresses challeng-
ing topics in the arena of interreligious di-
alogue, and concludes with a practical
guide for putting her call for engagement
between faith communities into action.
The work is as informative as it is per-
sonal. While unfailingly sensitive and gra-
cious, Finding Jesus Among Muslims is
not sanitized. Duffner writes honestly and
does not merely brush under the rug un-
comfortable aspects of her journey over
the years. She reveals thoughts and ex-
periences that many would be reluctant
to reveal, particularly in settings as emo-
tionally combustible and susceptible to
provoking offense as faith and religious
Duffner broaches thorny aspects of
theology that threatened her own faith—
such as the question of who can be
saved—and discusses the ways in which
Islam and Christianity are quite different.
She writes also of having to grapple
with her own preconceived notions about
Muslims. She tells of having witnessed
anti-Muslim sentiment from those she
knew back in Indiana, on Christian satel-
lite TV channels, and even among her
Jordanian Christian hosts and a Catholic
priest she met in their home. Most dis-
concerting for Duffner is that the latter in-
dividuals knew and regularly encountered
In this is a lesson that speaks to the
importance of her project. In her mind, di-
alogue is not merely surface level interac-
tion and niceties, but a disposition. It is a
way, as she writes, of “being in relation-
ship with others” and “an attitude of open-
ness, allowing others to speak for and
define themselves, giving them the bene-
fit of the doubt, assuming the best—not
the worst—in others, and refusing to let
our ignorance be exploited by those who
benefit from conflict.”
This is Duffner’s challenge to us all.


B•O•O•K•S Reviewed by Amin Gharad

Amin Gharad is director of Middle East Books
and More, a project of the Washington
Report on Middle East Affairs.

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