GET MONEY – August 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1


Universit" Of Mississippi’s PRINCESS C00KIE Is


In di!erential calculus, an in"ection point is a point on a curve at which the curve changes from being concave (concave down-

ward) to convex (concave upward), or vice versa. Concave upward is when the slope increases. Concave downward is when the slope

And just WHY are these slopes and curves important to getting money? Well, the concept of slope is extremely important in economics
because it is used to measure the rate at which changes are taking place. Like, is your #nancial situation really changing over time? Are
you really getting money, and how fast are you really getting it? This is all summed up, just by looking at those curves.

And who understands slopes and curves better than anyone? Engineers! Engineering students must take 4 semesters of calculus before
they even get into their core engineering classes and higher mathematics. One simply cannot understand the higher concepts of physics
and engineering without understanding calculus.

And yes—quite honestly—most people "nd all that di!erential calculus very boring and confusing. But we’ve found an engineer who
can demonstrate the importance of curves, physics and di!erential calculus without putting you to sleep. Princess C00kie is a student
at the University of Mississippi. And she’s showing that when it comes to engineering at “Ole Miss”, she’s de"nitely the New Miss! It’s
all summed up, just by looking at those curves.

Interview by Kolie Crutcher


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