GET MONEY – August 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1


By Kolie Crutcher

(NOTE: Recently, I was asked to write a motivational column for RT Magazine—a publication for writers of romance novels. This is a reprint of that piece. You will
notice my references to “writers”; however, the message can be used by anyone pursuing a worthy ideal.)

Passing The Torch of Struggle

We’ve all heard the term “struggling artist”.
While no one likes di!cult times, there is a reason
for the struggle. In my newest book, Mechanism of
Success: Attracting The Life You Want, I detail how
and why the struggle is a necessity to determine
who really loves the process, and who just loves
“what” the process may eventually bring them.
Sounds like a simple di"erence, but it’s huge. To
become successful, you must fall in love with the
process. Those who want only money or fame will
quit when they #nd themselves holding the ‘torch of
struggle’. Those who truly love the process will hold
on, and keep going through the heat and pain.

As a writer, your work is as unique as your #nger-
print. It doesn’t matter what genre you write, what
you put out can never be stated again by another
soul—ever! So, it’s got to be the real YOU. And to
get it right, you’ve got to go through a process to
ensure that the millions who will someday love you
and hang onto your every word are not being led
astray. The way to ensure this, is to ensure that you
truly love the process of writing. Your fans love you
because you love what you do!

All of us are a fan of someone. Whether it’s Steve
Jobs being #red from the company he founded, J.K.
Rowling being rejected by twelve publishing hous-
es, or Michael Jordan being cut from his high school
basketball team, we admire them because we
KNOW they went through a LOT to become great.
It’s their struggle that gives us hope that we can
do it too! It’s that common element that we share
with our heroes that gives us hope in our darkest

Someday, somewhere, someone will pick up your
book and their life will be changed forever. They will
aspire to be the next “YOU”. It may be your words,
riches, fame or name that initially moves them
the most, but as they are likely experiencing some
struggle themselves, to know of your struggle...
THAT’S what truly keeps them going.

So unless you have had a fueling struggle to pass
along to their $icker, their deep admiration of you
may soon fade.

So remember, “your struggle” is not just yours. It’s
all of ours. Yes, the torch is hot, hard to hold,
but it’s been carried by each and every hero
on their path to greatness. It’s passed down
from one hero to another, not to burn us,
but to build us. And whether speaking on
television to an audience of millions, or to
a single child who wants an autograph, your
glitz and glamor brings them close, but it’s
your struggle that keeps them going.
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