AsiaOne – August 2018

(vip2019) #1




cradles of civilization, and was home to many advanced Mesoamerican
civilizations, such as the Olmec, Toltec, Teotihuacan, Zapotec, Maya, and
Constitution and the emergence of the country’s current political system, it
has advanced quickly to become the eighth most visited country in the world,

By Her Excellency Francisca E. Mendez Escobar,
Ambassador of Mexico in United Arab Emirates


exico is one of the most
open economies in the world
through a network of free trade
agreements making it one of the most
competitive countries for productive
investment. Actually, Mexico is an
economic power on the global stage,
being the 11th largest economy in the
world (in terms of GDP measured by
the purchasing power parity index).

During the last five years, we have
just passed an important number of
structural reforms that have helped
to propel and prepare our country for
a better growth and development in
different areas including, education,
energy, telecommunications, financial,
tax, labour, judicial, political,
anticorruption, transparency among
others. We say that Mexico is tradition,
culture and innovation, with many
strengths; today we are the 11th most
populated country with 124 million
inhabitants, with a highly skilled young
workforce. The 13th country with the
largest international reserves; with a
growing fiscal capacity and the lowest

unemployment rate in the last ten years
(3.4 % of the economic active population
in 2017). On trade, Mexico is the 13th
largest exporter in the world, (with 23%
relative to GDP of medium tech and
high tech manufacturing exports); and
one of the most attractive destinations
for foreign direct investment; just last
year Mexico received around 29.6
billion dollars in FDI (from 2012 to
2017 Mexico has received more than
170 billion dollars in FDI).
The twelve main products exported
by Mexico to the world are light motor
vehicles, auto parts & accessories,
transportation vehicles, computers
and computers parts, telephone and
telephone parts, petroleum oils and
bituminous minerals, tv sets, electricity
conductive materials, medical and
veterinary equipment, seats, tractors
and gold.

Mexico has something to offer to
every visitor; from cultural and natural
assets, such as beaches, jungles, lakes,
waterfalls, rivers, mountains, deserts,
and impressive gastronomy, beautiful

“Mexico is one of the most open

economies in the world through a

network of free trade agreements”

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