AsiaOne – August 2018

(vip2019) #1

“The Government is pro-business

oriented, focusing on attracting

Foreign Direct Investments”

old history of statehood for more than
3000 years, and its indepence since

  1. The biggest effort that Republic
    of Macedonia has made in the tourism
    industry is building new international
    airport in its capital, city of Skopje.
    In 2015, the airport was ranked No.1
    airport in Europe for small airports,
    below 2 million passengers per year.
    The snowball effect is that world
    known hoteliers have opened their
    hotels all over the country, especially
    in city of Skopje and Ohrid, along
    the shore of Ohrid lake, where there
    is also an international airport fully
    Ohrid lake is the oldest lake in
    Europe and 2nd oldest in the world,
    over 4 million years old. The city as
    well is like museum with its unique
    architecture. Therefore, the lake
    and the city are both protected by
    UNESCO, as natural and cultural
    heritage to the world.
    Ohrid is the city with the 1st
    University in Europe, dating from
    10th century AD, the University
    of Plaoshnik, where brothers Saint

Cyril and Method invented the
cyrilic alphabet and spread it all over
Eastern Europe and Russia. Nowdays,
314million people all over the world
are using the cyrilic alphabet.
The country is with picturesque
valleys, mountains and lakes, tempered
climate with four seasons and ~270
sunny days during the year, with
excellent opportunities for alternative
tourism like climbing, mount biking,
skiing, speleology, scuba diving and
Great place to be discovered is
Skopje, the capital of Macedonia
with its old Bazaar, dating from 15th
century AD, the town fortress of last
roman Emperor Justinian from 6th
century AD, who wrote the Roman
Law, the memorial house of Saint
Mother Theresa, canyon Matka with
the cave Vrelo, the deepest underwater
cave in the world. Macedonia is well
known by the great hospitality of the
people, as well as delicious cuisine.
Republic of Macedonia and United
Arab Emirates have established direct
bilateral relations in 1996.



Since 2014, we have established an
Embassy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab
Emirates and I am proud to say that
I was elected as an Ambassador to
improve and strengthen the political
and economic relations between
our two friendly countries. To be
more precise, we have signed several
important Agreements, such as the
Agreement for Avoiding of Double
Taxation, Agreement for Cooperation
in the Security, Agreement for
Cooperation between Ministry of
Health of Republic of Macedonia and
DHCC (Dubai Health Care City),
Agreement for Air Traffic Regulation
between our two countries. There
are several more agreements in the
pipeline ready for signing.
Concerning the trade and business
relations, I am proud to say that various
companies from United Arab Emirates
have already invested in different
sectors in the Republic of Macedonia,
and they call themselves Happy
Investors. United Arab Emirates were
No.1 FDI investor in the country in
2016, according to official reports
from National Bank of Macedonia.
Besides improving political and
economic relations, the Embassy is
constantly working on strengthening
cultural relations.

Republic of Macedonia and Republic
of India have great bilateral relations.
We have our Embassy in New Delhi,
and so far we have several FDI
investments from Republic of India
into our country, in the mining and
steel sector. Indian companies have
invested in two mines for production
of Zinc, Copper and Lead, as well as
in Steel factory.
Republic of India, as world’s fastest
growing economy is an example of
great sustainable growth. Republic
of Macedonia can be an entry point
for indian companies to enter the
European market. We have established
direct bilateral agreements with
all European countries, including
Ukraine and Turkey. This means no
double taxation and no trade barriers
and free access to a market of 650
million customers.
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