ICICIdirect Money Manager – July 2019

(Grace) #1
ICICIdirect Money Manager June 2019



players both in APIs and crop
protection CDMO. The
company has spent ~| 500
crore over the last five years to
augment capacities. After
years of volatility in growth,
Hikal has been witnessing a
relatively stable growth
trajectory. We expect sales,
EBITDA, PAT to grow at a
CAGR of 15%, 19%, 28%,
respectively, in FY19-21E on
the back of new launches and
better operating leverage.
Simultaneously, we also
expect a 320 bps RoCE
improvement to 18.2%
through FY21. We arrive at a
valuation of | 205 based on 15x
FY21E EPS of | 13.7.

Experience in high profile clients
servicing to the fore...

For years, the company has
been dealing with high profile
MNCs like Merck & Co, Bayer,
Syngenta, BASF, Pfizer to
name a few. With proven
capabilities and management
pedigree, we believe Hikal
offers a compelling value
proposition as it continues to
expand in both pharma and
crop protection segments with
separate focus and a
calibrated approach. This
bodes well in the current
scenario when Chinese supply
disturbances are likely to
create opportunities for Indian

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