ICICIdirect Money Manager – July 2019

(Grace) #1


Total cost in hand: Estimate the
total cost to be incurred
including parking charges,
deposit for amenities, stamp
duty, registration charges,
interiors, new furnishing, etc.
These could shoot up your
budget and you may end up
br e a k i n g y o u r o t h e r

Recurring cost: Estimate the
recurring cost to be incurred
every month like EMI,
maintenance, property tax,
increase in commutation cost,
etc. to check if these fit in your
monthly budget.

  1. Does inflation impact the
    pricing of a house?

It's a common understanding
that if the cost of essentialities
such as food grains, fuel, etc.
increase and the inflation
increases thereby, then the
value of all products increases.
This may necessarily not hold
true for property always.

When inflation rises, interest
rates also increase, which
means that the cost of
borrowing increases for the
buyers. Hence, the demand for

properties might decrease. To
keep up the demand level,
builders would bring down the
price of the properties to
ensure sales pick up again.
However, not all builders do
this, specifically large
de v e l o p e r s , w h o s e
investments in the land
required for building projects
in the larger cities are higher.

  1. How much funds should be set
    aside from your savings to
    accomplish your property goal?
    Generally, to buy a property, a
    minimum of 20% of the
    property value has to be set
    aside for making down
    payment. However, if you have
    more savings in hand, you can
    increase the down payment
    and avail a home loan for the
    remaining amount.

  2. In whose name should I buy the
    house property?
    You can buy the property either
    in your name only, or add
    someone like spouse,
    parent(s), children, siblings,
    etc. as a joint owner and buy it
    jointly. If you are buying the
    property as a single owner,
    there is no one to back you up

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