ICICIdirect Money Manager – July 2019

(Grace) #1

The best way to take advantage
of this feature is to follow asset
allocation and rebalancing.
Based on your present & future
financial responsibilities, you
arrive at an allocation for
yourself – say 50% in pure
equity & 50% in pure debt. Your
premiums are invested in the
funds based on the above asset
allocation decision. When there
is a major deviation e.g. equity
allocation rising from 50% to
5 8% due to sudden rise in
markets, it is prudent to switch
the gains to debt part of the
portfolio, and bring the
allocation back to 50-50.

Similarly, when equities deliver
negative returns, you can
switch from debt to equity to
average out your purchase at
lower levels. You can decide on
a threshold, say deviation of
more than 5% (in any or both
asset) from existing allocation,
to act on rebalancing. As you
near your goals you should
ensure major part of the
portfolio is in steady asset class
like Debt, rather than exposed
to Equity. Over a long time
horizon, disciplined rebalancing
will help smooth out the
portfolio volatility and generate
decent risk adjusted returns.

Do you also have similar queries to ask our experts? Write to
us at: [email protected].

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