Most Primitive Hereditary Vectors-RNA
Ex per i ments in the 1960s, showed that mes sen ger RNA has the abil ity to store ge netic
in for ma tion, while trans fer and ri bo somal RNA have the abil ity to trans late ge netic
in for ma tion to pro teins. Ex per i ments per formed two de cades later showed that some RNAs
can even act as en zyme to self edit their own ge netic code. These re sults raised ques tions
like why RNA play so many roles in the flow of ge netic in for ma tion? and why ge netic
in for ma tion is stored in DNA, if RNA alone could do the job? RNA has great ca pa bil ity as
ge netic mol e cule, if one had to carry on hereditary processes on its own.
It now seems certain that RNA was the first molecule of heredity, so it evolved all the
essential methods for storing and expressing genetic information before DNA came into the
scene. However, single stranded RNA is rather unstable and is easily damaged by enzyme.
By essentially double the existing RNA molecule and using deoxyribose sugar instead of
ribose, DNA evolved as a much more stable form to pass genetic information with accuracy.
Mes sen ger RNA or mRNA or Tem plate RNA
It makes 3 5- % of total cellular RNA. The sedimentation coefficient of mRNA
is 8 S. The name messenger RNA was proposed by Jacob and Monod (1961).
The structural components of mRNA includes
(i)CAP (at 5 ′ end) (ii) Non-coding region-1
(iii)Initiation codon (AUG) (iv) Coding region
(v)Termination codon (vi) Non-coding region-2
(vii)Poly A sequence (at 3 ′ end)
The mRNA formed in nucleus, comes out with proteins into cytoplasm and
normally swim as spherical balls, known as informosomes.
Ribosomal RNA or rRNA
It makes about 80% or more of total cellular RNA. It is the basic constituent of
ribosomes and developed from the Nucleolar Organiser Region (NOR) of
chromosomes in eukaryotes. In prokaryotes, it is developed from rDNA.
There are three types of rRNA present
(i)High molecular weight rRNA (mol. wt > 1
e.g. 21 29S – S rRNA.
(ii)High molecular weight rRNA (mol. wt < 1
e.g. 12 S– 18 S rRNA.
(iii)Low molecular weight rRNA (mol. wt ~
e.g. 5 S rRNA.
Transfer RNA or tRNA or
Soluble RNA
It makes about 10 20- % of total cellular RNA
with sedimentation coefficient of 3. 8 S. It
contain 73 - 93 nucleotides.
tRNA is synthesised in nucleus on DNA
templates. About 0.25% of DNA codes for
tRNA. The chief function of tRNA is to carry
amino acids to ribosomes for protein
5 ′
Cap NC 1
1600 nucleotides
Poly (A)
(Termination codon)
(Initiation codon)
NC 2
3 ′
Structure of mRNA
Paired bases
Uncoiled region
Structure of ribosomal RNA (schematic)
Amino acid
binding site
Synthetase site
recognition site
Anticodon site
tRNA (a) The binding sites
DHU loop
Anticodon loop
CCA terminus
3 ′
TψC loop 5 ′
(b) The tertiary structure