
(C. Jardin) #1

Prime-Time: Symbolic Regression Takes Its Place in the Real World 251






susceptible infectedrecovered

Fig. 7 An illustration of how infections are spread in the individual-based simulation. Each
simulation run models 180 days in 12-h intervals (daytime and nighttime), and at the end the
resulting outcomes are calculated,—the total attack rate (the fraction of the population that got
infected) and the peak day (the day of the 180-day interval with the maximum attack rate)

similar to past influenza pandemics and observed household attack rates.^1 This
FluTE model can simulate several intervention strategies like vaccination or spread
of antiviral medications with subsequent changes in susceptibility and infectivity
as well as social distancing measures like quarantines and subsequent changes in
contact probabilities between individuals.

4.2 Experimental Workflow

We provide an overview of the experimental workflow in Fig. 8. This section follows
the order of the steps as depicted in Fig. 8.

(^1) Attack rate is defined as a ratio of the new cases in the population at risk to the total size of the
population at risk.

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