
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

elucidation of appetite mechanisms and biomarkers has failed to lead to efficacious

interventions. As Armelagos wrote ( 2010 , 2014 ), the obesity epidemic is the result

of a confluence of evolutionarily honed biobehavioral and environmental factors

creating a‘perfect storm.’Perhaps a more accurate analogy would be that of a

broader global climate change. In reality, the epidemic (pandemic) covers a vast

geographic area with human factors escalating changes over a long time period.

Like issues of global environmental change, an effective treatment of current

conditions and the prevention of increasing obesity prevalence have eluded the

efforts of actors from many sectors. Hopefully, neither costs nor misperceptions will

erode future environmental efforts at obesity containment.

Acknowledgments I am grateful to Stephan J. Guyenet for his very helpful comments and
guidance on the neurobiological mechanisms of food intake and weight control. This chapter is
dedicated to George J. Armelagos: teacher, mentor, friend, and colleague.


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10 Objective and Subjective Aspects of the Drive to Eat in... 221

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