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Measuring Hot Flashes via Skin Conductance

Skin conductance, the tonic level of electrical conductivity of skin and an indirect

measure of sweating, was found to be the most sensitive and specific indicator of

hotflashes in controlled laboratory studies (Carpenter et al. 2005 ; de Bakker and

Everaerd 1996 ; Freedman 1989 ; Miller and Li 2004 ). As opposed to palmar and

plantar measures of skin conductance that are responsive to psychological stimuli,
SCL is fairly inactive on the sternum under a normal variety of conditions (Rickles

and Day 1968 ). Thus, sternal measurement of SCL provides a more sensitive

measure of hotflashes than palmar measurement (de Bakker and Everaerd 1996 ).

Hotflashes show a sharp and rapid rise on a SCL trace followed by a sloping return

to baseline, or“swishy tail,”that can be distinguished from the“sawtooth”pattern

characteristic of activity or other sweating-related artifact (Carpenter et al. 1999 ).

Initial investigation into an ambulatory measure of skin conductance for the

measurement of hotflashes was performed using an analog system worn as women

went about their daily activities (Freedman 1989 ). This measure was further

developed and digitized in a commercially available device, the Biolog™

(Carpenter et al. 1999 ), a monitor worn around the waist with integrated hotflash

reporting where hotflashes are reported by pressing two buttons simultaneously on

the device which then date and time-stamps the self-report of the hotflash. This

system has been used in menopause studies over the past two decades. In initial

analyses, the monitor was deemed an acceptable and feasible method for assessing

hotflashes over 24 h (Carpenter et al. 1999 ). In an effort to improve the wear and

comfort of the hotflash monitors, another device, the Bahr Monitor™, was

designed (Webster et al. 2007 ) as a smaller device (6×6 cm) attached to the

sternum by a single electrode patch. Data on the performance of this device are still

emerging (Stefanopoulou and Hunter 2013 ; Carpenter et al. 2012 ; Mann and Hunter

2011 ; Webster et al. 2007 ).

Initial investigations into the physiologic measurement of hotflashes showed
high agreement between physiologic measurement and self-reported hotflashes

(Freedman 1989 ). However, one of the major issues facing accurate detection of hot

flashes is the algorithm used to classify hotflash events from physiologic signals.

The mostly widely used algorithm for sternal skin conductance measures of hot

flashes is a≥ 2 μmho rise in 30 s, which in both early studies (Freedman 1989 ) and

later laboratory investigations (de Bakker and Everaerd 1996 ) showed high sensi-

tivity and specificity relative to participant self-report. However, subsequent labo-

ratory and ambulatory studies have shown somewhat lower sensitivity using this

criterion (de Bakker and Everaerd 1996 ; Hanisch et al. 2007 ; Sievert 2007 ; Sievert

et al. 2002 ). Alternate thresholds for detecting hotflashes have been proposed,

including a threshold of 1.78μmho (among prostate cancer patients; Hanisch et al.

2007 ) and a 1.2μmho SCL rise (among breast cancer patients; Savard et al. 2014 ).

Others have used the 2μmho criterion with additional subjective coding to classify

events that do not meet the criterion (Thurston et al.2009a, 2011 ). As a single

threshold cannot accommodate between-subject variability in hotflash-associated

11 Hot Flashes: Phenomenology and Measurement 239

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