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How Objective Memory Performance is Assessed

Studies have utilized a variety of tests to measure cognition in relation to SMC.

Most of these are pencil and paper tests that take anywhere fromfive to 35 min to

complete. Global screening measures are very brief tests that broadly measure

cognitive status with a variety of cognitive functions, such as attention, language,

and memory, and use a summary score to see whether an individual scores above or
below a predetermined cutoff that indicates impairment. As these screening mea-

sures are relatively easy, many individuals perform at 100% accuracy. Thus, it is

difficult to detect subtle relationships between SMC and global screening outcomes

in healthy individuals. A preferred approach is to utilize more complex, reliable,

and validated neuropsychological measures of memory functioning. Verbal mem-

ory measures typically consist of a list-learning task in which individuals hear a list

of words and are asked to immediately recall as many of the words on the list in

each of several learning trials and then again after a 20- to 30-min delay. Another

verbal memory task is paragraph recall, in which individuals are presented with a

short story and are asked to recall as much of that story as possible immediately and

after some delay period. Nonverbal memory measures typically involve drawing

geometricfigures or designs. For example, an individual is shown a series of four

designs arranged on a sheet of paper that they must then draw immediately and then

again after some period of delay. Recognition memory for the design is tested by

showing individuals a series of designs and asking them to choose the designs they

saw from an array of drawings—some previously studied and some not.

Here, we focus on the more commonly used verbal memory measures, but in

some studies, researchers use a battery of tests to assess a wide range of cognitive

functions. The use of a broader cognitive battery helps to address important

questions such as whether the memory problems an individual reports are related to

memory or to difficulty concentrating or to difficulties using effective strategies to

better remember the items they studied.

Assessing Brain Structure and Function

Brain structure is typically assessed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI

scanners use strong magneticfields and radio waves to form images of the brain.

Specific regions of the brain can be measured to look at volume changes in regions

of the brain that are critical for memory function.

Brain function is frequently measured by two techniques,functionalMRI (fMRI)

and positron emission tomography (PET) , which can be used while an individual is

engaged in a cognitive task. In the former, MRI technology is utilized to measure

brain activity by detecting associated changes in bloodflow. In the latter, a

radioactive trace is introduced in the body, and concentrations of the tracer will

indicate metabolic activity.

13 Subjective Memory Complaints and Objective Memory Performance 279

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