
(Barré) #1

scheduled for cataract surgery has a significant astigmatism, postoperative vision
will be impaired by this refractive error, and patient will need spectacles to obtain
adequate distance vision. Presbyopia is a condition where, with age, the eye
exhibits a progressively diminished ability to focus on near objects. The eye
undergoing cataract surgery will also lose its ability to focus near objects, and
every patient who got monofocal IOL will need spectacle correction of approxi-
mately +2.5 dioptres for near vision.

3 Premium Intraocular Lenses

Cataract surgery itself had undergone major improvements regarding advanced
technology used for surgery; it has become a safe and painless one-day surgery
under topical anesthesia with quick visual recovery. However, full visual recovery
in patients with corneal astigmatism and presbyopia was still limited by the fact that
both corneal astigmatism and presbyopia were not corrected with the implantation
of standard monofocal lenses. With the increasing patient’s expectations regarding
their vision after the surgery, newer generations of intraocular lenses had to be
provided. Nowadays, patients undergoing cataract surgery expect to have good
visual acuity for distance, intermediate, and near even without any spectacle
correction. Thus, cataract surgery has evolved into a “refractive” procedure, during
which patients wish to achieve not only better distance vision but also a full
correction of their refractive errors (astigmatism and presbyopia). This is, however,
only possible with implantation of new generation of intraocular lenses, so-called
premium lenses. Premium lenses are intraocular lenses with major optical improve-
ments in their design and optical properties.

4 Toric Intraocular Lenses

For patients with significant astigmatism, solution was found with the invention of
toric IOLs, which were designed for two functions: to restore visual acuity deteri-
orated by cataract and to correct corneal astigmatism. Toric IOLs are able to restore
vision to a normal one, even without spectacles.^3 ,^4 ,^5 ,^6 Toric IOLs must be produced
individually since each eye with the corneal astigmatism has an individual combi-
nation of spherical and astigmatic correction (regarding both the amount and the
axis of astigmatism). Moreover, in a proper calculation of toric intraocular lens

(^3) Visser et al. ( 2013 ).
(^4) Pe ́rez-Vives et al. (2014a).
(^5) Carones et al. ( 2014 ).
(^6) Sheppard et al. ( 2013 ).
234 I. Dekaris et al.

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