
(Barré) #1

Personalized Medicine and Technology


Petra Karanikic

Abstract There is a growing importance of the personalized medicine approach
regarding not only the future development of society but also the economy growth
of every country. The personalized medicine approach presents an important
innovation regarding the improvement in the health care and quality of life that
result in the reduction of diseases and in economic benefits. The personalized
medicine concept primarily involves an individual approach to the patient
according to the assumption that the disease is treated on the basis of the patient’s
specific individual needs. A consensus between the industry and society, or respec-
tively all relevant stakeholders (patients, medical professionals, researchers, health
care planners, etc.), has a crucial role in supporting this approach.
The success of the personalized medicine concept depends on understanding the
different multidisciplinary approaches and available data and knowledge and trans-
ferring this knowledge to the patients and the whole community. Innovation,
technology transfer process, marketing and process management, along with qual-
ity scientific research and economy power are the basis for the future development
and sustainability of the personalized medicine concept. The holistic approach to
the personalized medicine emphasizes the technology transfer concept in biomed-
icine. Thus, technology transfer is a solution for the antagonism between research
and development on one side and commercialization of personalized medicine on
the other.

1 Introduction

The world is facing many major health care challenges. There is a trend of
increasement of the chronic diseases, especially in the aging population where
prevention and early intervention can have a significant impact. The current health
care systems and processes are more oriented to providing acute and reactive care
rather than on treating and modifying the progression of these chronic conditions or

Petra Karanikic, Ph.D., Head of Technology Transfer Office, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.

P. Karanikic, Ph.D. (*)
Technology Transfer Office, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
e-mail:[email protected]

©Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
N. Bodiroga-Vukobrat et al. (eds.),Personalized Medicine,Europeanization and
Globalization 2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39349-0_6

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