6.3 Forms of equilibria and non-equilibria
We are not dealing with a well-stabilized situation of long
standing. This may account for some of our difficulties in
fitting existing situations into a theory which concerns
itself only with final equilibrium.
(Preston 1962, p. 429)
We have argued that there is an important dis-
tinction between equilibrium and non-equilibrium
conditions. There is an equally important distinc-
tion between dynamic and static models of island
ecology. These notions provide for a variety of com-
binations, as shown in Fig. 6.1, in which we high-
light four extremes: dynamic equilibrium, static
equilibrium, dynamic non-equilibrium, and static
non-equilibrium. Some example systems that
appear to match the different conditions are pro-
vided in Table 6.2.
Thedynamic equilibrium hypothesiscorre-
sponds to the EMIB, the properties of which have
already been considered at length. The core EMIB
model is essentially stochastic (i.e. occupying the
extreme bottom left corner of Fig. 6.1), but
MacArthur and Wilson (1967) recognized in their
book that some structuring of turnover commonly
occurred, hence their fuller theory could be
assigned a position a little to the right within the
figure. By either view, their ideas are strongly asso-
ciated with the dynamic equilibrium corner.
Figure 6.1 recognizes a continuum from purely sto-
chastic (homogeneous) turnover, through increas-
ingly heterogeneous turnover to the ideas of
habitat determinism with minimal turnover. This
end of the axis describes the static equilibrium
hypothesis, which may be characterized crudely
as where the key controls of species presence/
absence appear to be habitat controls (as Martin
et al. 1995) and where species turnover measured
on a timescale of generations is insignificant. This
is not to deny compositional change over time, but
that in the absence of human interference the
turnover is unmeasurable, giving the appearance
of stasis.
It is possible to reconcile ideas of habitat deter-
minism with the occurrence of systematic variation
in species richness related to area and isolation,
providing that habitat structure itself is signifi-
cantly influenced by the area and isolation of an
island (Martin et al. 1995). Hence, once again, the
pattern of turnover is central to distinguishing
between alternative hypotheses. The emphasis on
habitat controls has often been associated with
David Lack, who based his analyses on studies of
island birds (e.g. Lack 1969, 1976). He argued that
the failure of birds to establish on islands comes
dynamics faster
than biotic
Biotic dynamics faster
than environmental,
which are low amplitude
Biotic dynamics
resistant to immigration
and to environmental
Where does
your island fit?
Biotic dynamics lag
greatly behind
dynamics, but are
not wholly resistant
Dynamic Static
Figure 6.1A representation of the conceptual extremes
of island species turnover. The dynamic equilibrium
condition corresponds to MacArthur and Wilson’s (1963,
1967) theory; the static equilibrium equates to Lack’s (e.g.
1969) ideas on island turnover of birds; the static non-
equilibrium to Brown’s (1971) work on non-equilibrium
mountain tops; and the dynamic non-equilibrium to Bush
and Whittaker’s (1991, 1993) interpretations of Krakatau
plant and butterfly data. Considering a single taxon,
different positions in this diagram may correspond to
different islands or archipelagos, and different taxa in the
same island group may also correspond to different