Microfluidics for Biologists Fundamentals and Applications

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

slice via MF gas channels [ 21 ]. The device consists of four independent parts: the
perfusion chamber, the PDMS layer, the PDMS MF channel, and a glass slide
(Fig.8.2B). The designed microchannel provides rapid and efficient control of
oxygen and can be further modified accordingly to allow the various regions of the
slice to experience different oxygen conditions. Using this novel device, stable and
homogeneous oxygen environment throughout the brain slice has been obtained,
and the oxygen tension in a hippocampal slice can be altered rapidly. It was
observed that the device allows more complete temporal control and can reach
greater differences in oxygen concentration as compared to the standard perfusion
method. Although a lot of research is being conducted for exploring the neurolog-
ical processes seeking the help of MF technologies, still efforts are in their initial
stage and scope of MF in neuroscience is endless.


Fluidic Channel



a (A) (B)




Fig. 8.2 (A)(a) Schematic of microfluidic multi-electrode array (MMEA) device showing the
different layers. (b) Photograph of MMEA during operation. [ 20 ]. (B) Schematic of device
developed by Mauleon et al. (a) perfusion chamber having gas inlet and outlet. (b) different
parts of the device: the perfusion chamber, the PDMS membrane, the PDMS microfluidic channel,
and a glass slide and the alignment marks show how the gas is supplied to the device (c)top viewof
device [ 21 ]

8 Biological Applications of Microfluidics System 197

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