Microfluidics for Biologists Fundamentals and Applications

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Other than pathogen detection the MF PoC devices include health care devices
for monitoring human health from analyzing different molecules from human
blood. Blood chemistry analysis is perhaps the most successful application of
these kinds of devices and the examples include i-STAT, Bioanalyzer 2100 from
agilent Technologies, epoc from Epocal etc. [ 73 , 80 ]. These devices provide
information about various ions like Na+,K+,Cl, blood pH, nitrogen content and
oxygen analysis in very short time duration [ 81 ].

3.2 Immunodiagnostics

Immunoassays are probably the most important protein analysis technique. These
are based on detection of either antigen or cytokines. Antibody-antigen based
detection is utilized for the detection of various diseases like hepatitis and autoim-
mune disorders whereas cytokines based assays are utilized for the studies of


Inlet Microchannels 200 μm


LB film deposition of QD

Immobilization of DNA

RE (Ag/AgCl wire)


3.0 cm
1.0 cm

1.5 cm

PDMS slab


Fig. 8.9 Different steps showing the fabrication of MF biochip for electrochemical detection of
DNA hybridization.WEworking electrode,CEcounter electrode,REreference electrode [ 74 ]

212 S. Solanki and C.M. Pandey


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