An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

(Elle) #1


Chapter 1

1 R. Williams, Key Words: a vocabulary of culture and society (London: Croom
Helm, 1976), p. 184.

2 K. D. Bennett, ‘Holocene pollen stratigraphy of central East Anglia, England
and comparison of pollen zones across the British Isles’, New Phytologist
109 (1988), 251. O. Rackham, Woodlands (London: Collins, 2006), pp. 82–90.

3 O. Rackham, Ancient Woodland (Colvend: Castlepoint Press, 2003),
pp. 108–9. O. Rackham, History of the Countryside (London: Dent, 1986),
p. 330.

4 F. Vera, Grazing Ecology and Forest History (Wallingford: CABI Publishing,
2002), p. 92.

5 Vera, Grazing Ecology and Forest History, p. 88.

6 Ibid., pp. 377–9.

7 K. Hodder, P. Buckland, K. Kirby and J. Bullock, ‘Can the pre-Neolithic
provide suitable models for re-wilding the landscape in Britain’, British
Wildlife 20, 5 (special supplement) (2009), 4–15.

8 Rackham, Ancient Woodland, pp. 502–3; Rackham, Woodlands, pp. 92–8.

9 F. E. Clements, Plant Succession: an analysis of the development of vegetation
(Washington: Carnegie Institution, 1916).

10 A. G. Tansley, The British Islands and their Vegetation, vol. 1 (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1949).

11 H. William and I. C. Nisbet-Drury, ‘Succession’, Journal of the Arnold
Arboretum 54 (1973), 331–68. J. Connell and R. Slatyer, ‘Mechanisms of
succession in natural communities and their role in community stability and
organisation’, The American Naturalist 111 (1977), 119–1144.

12 D. Worcester, The Wealth of Nature: environmental history and the ecological
imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 165.

13 I. Simmons, The Environmental Impact of Late Mesolithic Cultures
(Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1996).

14 D. W. Yalden, The History of British Mammals (London: Poyser, 1999),
p. 95.

15 P. V. Watson, ‘Man’s impact on the chalklands: some new pollen evidence’, in
M. Bell and S. Limbrey (eds), Archaeological Aspects of Woodland Ecology
(Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, International Series, vol. 146, 1982),
pp. 75–92.

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