An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

(Elle) #1

67 R. G. Haynes, ‘Vermin traps and rabbit warrens on Dartmoor’, Post-Medieval
Archaeology 4 (1970), 147–64.

68 C. L. Orgill, ‘The introduction of the rabbit into England’, Antiquity
10 (1936), 462–3.

69 J. E. Harting, The Rabbit (London, 1898)), pp. 37, 57. T. Williamson, Rabbits,
Warrens and Archaeology (Stroud: Tempus, 2007), pp. 160–1.

70 Williamson, Rabbits, Warrens and Archaeology, pp. 31–88. J. Sheial, Rabbits
and their History (Newton Abbot: David and Charles, 1971).

71 C. Oman, The Great Revolt of 1381 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1906), p. 65.

72 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, vol. 16, 235.

73 Rackham, History of the Countryside, pp. 50–1.

74 C. Currie, ‘The early history of carp and its economic significance in England’,
Agricultural History Review 39 (1991), pp. 97–107.

75 C. Dyer, ‘The consumption of fish in medieval England’, in M. Aston
(ed.), Medieval Fish, Fisheries and Fish Ponds in England (Oxford: British
Archaeological Reports, British Series, vol. 182, 1988), pp. 27–35.

76 J. McCann, The Dovecotes of Suffolk (Ipswich, 1988). A. Grant, ‘Animal
resources’, in G. Astill and A. Grant (eds), The Countryside of Medieval
England (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988), pp. 149–87.

77 Norfolk Record Office Le Strange ND 22.34.

78 K. J. Walker, ‘Using data from local floras to assess floristic change’, Watsonia
24 (2003), 305–19, esp. 315. D. E. Allen, ‘Sources of error in local lists’,
Watsonia 13 (1981), 215–20.

Chapter 2

1 J. U. Nef, The Rise of the British Coal Industry (London: Routledge, 1932),
pp. 19–32. M. W. Flinn, The History of the British Coal Industry Vol. 2,
1700-1830 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984), p. 26.

2 R. G. Wilkinson, ‘The English Industrial Revolution’, in D. Worcester (ed.),
The Ends of the Earth: perspectives on modern environmental history (1988),
pp. 80–99. B. Thomas, ‘Was There an energy crisis in Great Britain in the
seventeenth century?’, Explorations in Economic History 23 (1986), 124–52.
P. Warde, Energy Consumption in England and Wales 1560-2000 (2006),
pp. 32–9; 67.

3 O. Rackham, The History of the Countryside (London: Dent, 1986), p. 88.

4 Forestry Commission, ‘National Forest Inventory: woodland area statistics,
England’ (Edinburgh, 2011).

5 Including woodlands which have been largely replanted with conifers in recent

6 G. F. Peterken, Natural Woodland: ecology and conservation in northern
temperate regions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 17.

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