55 T. T. Macan, ‘Freshwater invertebrates’, in D. L. Hawksworth (ed.), The Changing
Flora and Fauna of Britain (London: Taylor and Francis, 1974), pp. 143–55.
56 C. E. Shaw, ‘Canals’, in J. P. Saidge (ed.), Travis’s Flora of South Lancashire
(Liverpool: Liverpool Botanical Society, 1963), pp. 71–3.
57 Cossons, Industrial Archaeology, pp. 277–8.
58 C. C. Druce, The Flora of Oxfordshire (London, 1886), pp. 241–2. D. H. Kent,
‘Senechio squalidus L in the British Isles 1. Early records (to 1877)’, Proceedings
of the Botanical Society of the British Isles 2 (1958), 115–18. D. H. Kent,
‘Senechio squalidus L in the British Isles 2. The spread from Oxford’, Proceedings
of the Botanical Society of the British Isles 3 (1960), 115–18.
59 R. Mabey, Flora Britannica (London: Concise edn, Chatto and Windus, 1998),
p. 17.
60 Ibid., pp. 179–80.
61 E. Lees, The Botany of Worcestershire (Worcester, 1867), pp. xvii, 74.
62 Fitter, London’s Natural History, p. 161.
63 J. G. Dony, ‘Notes on the Bedfordshire railway flora’, Bedfordshire Naturalist
(1955), 12–16.
64 Gilbert, Ecology of Urban Habitats, pp. 129–30.
65 R. Jefferies, Nature Near London (London, 1913), p. 181.
66 Kelcey, ‘Industrial development and wildlife conservation’, p. 105.
67 G. Edelen (ed.), The Description of England: the Classic Contemporary
Account of Tudor Social Life, by William Harrison (London: Folger
Shakespeare Library, 1994), p. 281.
68 P. Kalm, Kalm’s Account of his Visit to England on his Way to America
in 1748, translated by J. Lucas (London, 1892), pp. 137–8.
69 A. Cox, RCHME Survey of Bedfordshire. Brickmaking: a history and gazetteer
(Bedford: Bedfordshire County Council, 1979), p. 27.
70 Cox, Brickmaking, p. 44.
71 S. Birtles, ‘“A Green Space Beyond Self Interest”: the Evolution of Common
Land in Norfolk c.750-2003’. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of East
Anglia, 2003.
72 Birtles, ‘Green Space Beyond Self Interest’, pp. 196, 307–9.
73 I. Whyte, Transforming Fell and Valley: Landscape and Parliamentary
Enclosure in North West England (Lancaster: University of Lancaster, Centre
for North West Regional Studies, 2003), p. 76.
74 Ibid.
75 J. Parry, Heathland (London: National Trust, 2003), p. 62.
Chapter 6
1 B. Campbell and M. Overton, ‘A new perspective on medieval and early-
modern agriculture: six centuries of Norfolk farming, 1250-1850’, Past and
Present 141 (1993), 38–105. M. Overton, ‘The determinants of crop yields in