An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

(Elle) #1

77 T. Williamson, Polite Landscapes, pp. 100–9.

78 Langford, Polite and Commercial People, p. 440; Richard Muir, The Lost
Villages of Britain (London: Michael Joseph, 1982), pp. 202–21. J. Broad,
‘Understanding village desertions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries’,
in C. Dyer and R. Jones (eds), Deserted Villages Revisited (Hatfield: University
of Hertfordshire Press, 2010), pp. 121–39. T. Williamson, ‘At pleasure’s lordly
call: the archaeology of emparked settlements’, in C. Dyer and R. Jones (eds),
Deserted Villages Revisited (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2010),
pp. 162–81.

79 Williamson, Polite Landscapes, pp. 100–18.

80 T. Williamson, ‘Fish, fur and feather: man and nature in the post-medieval
landscape’, in K. Barker and T. Darvill (eds), Making English Landscapes
(Bournemouth: Bournemouth University School of Conservation Sciences
Occasional Paper, 1997), pp. 92–117.

81 Chatsworth House archives, Derbyshire AS/1061.

82 Chatsworth House archives, Derbyshire, AS/1062 and 1063.

83 Estimates based on Drury and Andrews Map of the County of Hertfordshire
(London, 1766) and the First Edition Ordnance Survey 6"maps.

84 J. Barnatt and T. Williamson, Chatsworth: a landscape history (Macclesfield:
Windgather Press, 2005), pp. 50–73, 95–100.

85 O. L. Gilbert, ‘The ancient lawns of Chatsworth, Derbyshire’, Journal of the
Royal Horticultural Society 108 (1983), 471–4.

86 O. Rackham, ‘Pre-existing trees and woods in country-house parks’,
Landscapes 5, 2 (2004), 1–15; Williamson, Polite Landscapes, pp. 94–6.

87 J. Grigor, The Eastern Arboretum, or a Register of Remarkable Trees, Seats,
Gardens &c in the County of Norfolk (London, 1841), p. 158.

88 Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, Hertford: DE/P/P15.

89 Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, Hertford: 9M73/958.

90 G. Barnes and T. Williamson, Ancient Trees in the Landscape: Norfolk’s
arboreal heritage (Oxford, 2011), pp. 136–7.

91 B. Elliott, Victorian Gardens (London: Batsford, 1986).

92 M. Campbell-Culver, The Origins of Plants (London: Headline Books, 2001).

93 Campbell-Culver, The Origins of Plants, p. 149.

94 J. Harvey, Early Nurserymen (Chichester: Phillimore, 1975).

95 I. G. Simmons, An Environmental History of Great Britain, from 10,000 years
ago to the present (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2001), p. 142.
Campbell-Culver, The Origins of Plants, pp. 148–81.

96 Campbell-Culver, The Origins of Plants.

97 East Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich: Shrubland Hall archives, currently
uncatalogued: notes for improving the park, c.1808, by William Wood.
See also T. Williamson, ‘Shrubland before Barry: a house and its landscape
1660–1880’, in Christopher Harper-Bill, Carole Rawcliffe and Richard Wilson
(eds), East Anglia’s History: studies in honour of Norman Scarfe (Woodbridge:
Boydell, 2002), pp. 189–212.

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