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63 K. Laider, Squirrels in Britain (Newton Abbot: David and Charles, 1980),
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65 Shorten, Squirrels, p. 178.
66 P. R. Ratcliffe, ‘Distribution and current status of Sika deer, Cervus nippon, in
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67 A. Cooke and L. Farrell, Chinese Water Deer (Fordingbridge: British Deer
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68 I. D. Rotherham and R. A. Lambert, ‘Good science, good history and
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71 P. Dolman and W. Waeber, ‘Ecosystem and competition impacts of introduced
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72 Stamp, Land of Britain, pp. 108–24.
73 P. E. T. Cavill-Worsley, ‘A fur farm in Norfolk’, Transactions of the Norfolk
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74 J. M. Lambert, ‘The chief Norfolk habitats’, in British Association for
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76 Yalden, History of British Mammals, pp. 190–2. J. Birks, ‘Feral mink and
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77 Gosling and Baker, ‘The eradication of muskrats and coypus from Britain’,
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78 Stamp, Land of Britain, p. 173.