(^276) indeX
pine 2, 62, 144, 150
Corsican 153
lodgepole 130, 152
Monterey 130
pitch 130
Scots 2, 63, 105, 120, 122, 129,
western yellow 130
Weymouth 130
pine marten 19, 54, 56, 124,
125 , 187
pineappleweed (Matricaria
matioides) 41
piri piri (Acaena novaezelandica) 166
pitch pine see pine
plant introductions 130 see also
exotic trees and plants
Plymouth Sound 15
poaching 55, 69, 124
pochard 181
podzol 24, 28, 99
polecat 19, 53–6, 72, 124, 125 , 187
pollarding/pollards 20–2, 21 , 24, 27,
42, 46, 50–2, 99, 103, 106,
pollution 77–9, 161–2, 186
polyclimax theory 3
pondweeds 83, 112 see also Canadian
pondweed; horned pondweed
poppy 11, 41, 190 see also opium
population growth 45, 65, 74 , 75, 78,
93, 186
Portugal laurel 62, 123
potato 93, 102, 179
poultry 53, 71, 140
Price, Uvedale 116
Priest, The Rev St John 104
privet, garden 167, 171–2
procumbent pearlwort (Sagina
procumbens) 166
pulverized fuel ash 181
purple milk-vetch (Astragolus
hypoglottis) 97 see also
purple moor-grass (Molinia
caerulia) 29, 100
pygmy shrew 23
Pyrola rotundifolia subs Maritima 82
quail 42, 113
quarries 61, 81–3, 89, 124, 162, 179
rabbit 15–17, 25, 27–8, 31, 56, 63, 64 ,
65–7, 67 , 69, 98, 109–10, 113,
120 , 128, 140, 145, 148, 150,
184 , 189–90 see also coney
Rackham, Oliver 2–3, 5, 5 , 138, 153,
ragworm (Nereis diversicula) 31
ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) 86, 110,
railways 81, 85–9, 99, 137, 153, 163,
165, 168
black 12–13, 60, 190
brown (Rattus norvegicus) 60, 190
raven 52, 54, 60, 125, 148, 180
Rawnsley, Canon Hardwicke 157
Raynham, Norfolk 62
red campion 176
red clover 40
red deer 9, 14–15, 121
red fescue (Festuca rubra) 31, 167
red grouse see grouse
red hemp-nettle (Galeopsis
angustifolia) 40
red kites 34, 54, 124, 187
red maple 130
red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) 23, 121,
red-backed shrike 28
red-legged partridge 104
redpoll 154
redshank 10, 31–2, 34, 100, 123,
140, 179
redstart 10, 176
reed/reed beds/swamp 33–4, 65, 84–5,
100, 146, 167, 180–1
reed bunting 10, 104, 110, 154, 176,
179–80 see also buntings
reed warbler 10, 146
reed-mace 151, 181
reptiles 29, 31, 124
reservoirs 25, 34, 84–5, 171, 180–2
Reyce, Richard 32
rhinoceros, woolly 3
rhododendron (ponticum) 123, 131,